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Info please

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Peter Report 28 Sep 2011 20:02

Hi all
Can any one give me any infoon the following children?
John Smith born 1838? in Ely or North Witchford Cambridgeshire
Henry Smith born 1844? in "" " "
Mary Ann Smith born 1852? in Ely or North Witchford
Thier father was John Smith mother was Eiizabeth
I would like to know her maiden name.
Best Regards


brummiejan Report 28 Sep 2011 20:16

Is this them? I am wondering about how you came by this information s there are a lot of question marks!

1861 England Census

Name: Mary Ann Smith
Age: 9
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1852
Relation: Daughter
Father's Name: John Smith
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Smith
Gender: Female
Where born: Elsworth, Huntingdonshire, England

Civil parish: Elsworth
County/Island: Cambridgeshire

Registration district: Caxton
Sub-registration district: Caxton

John Smith 49
Elizabeth Smith 51
John Smith 20
Henry Smith 14
Benjamin Smith 11
Mary Ann Smith 9
Eliza Jane Smith 6



patchem Report 28 Sep 2011 20:30

Mother's maiden name on the birth certificate (If this is the correct one)
Births Jun 1852
Smith Mary Ann Ely 3b 545

Choice for Henry
Births Dec 1843
Smith Henry N. Witchford 14 121
SMITH Henry John N. Witchford 14 129
Births Mar 1844
SMITH Henry Carrington N Witchford 14 104
Smith Henry Carrington N Witchford 14 134
(and even more for John)