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they differ
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Margaretfinch | Report | 28 Sep 2011 07:54 |
Hearing from a distant relation yesterday she had me wondering if the 1851 census on ancestry could differ a little from Find My Past I never had doubt until then anyone else noticed a difference thankyou |
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brummiejan | Report | 28 Sep 2011 07:57 |
Well, the image will be the same obviously. But transcriptions often differ in the sense that people have read it differently. |
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InspectorGreenPen | Report | 28 Sep 2011 09:02 |
Ancestry did a rush job to get the 1851 census released early and as result their transcriptions were riddled with errors. They did eventually re-check much of it but don't be surprised if there are still mistakes that weren't spotted. |
+++DetEcTive+++ | Report | 28 Sep 2011 09:04 |
If your 'reading programme' can't cope with the image, and relies on the transcription, would you like to copy and paste it? Someone can check it against the images for you. |
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