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bampfield/bollards in birmingham 1911

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mollymandysb Report 22 Sep 2011 10:11

hi trying to find this fam in birmingham 1911. can find bampfields in tindle street, balsall heath birmingham and yardley on ancestry but nothing on this site, dont know what i m doing wrong.

norman bampfied was born in1903 in kings norton, but balsall heath was in the k n parish at that time. lillian was born 1906. they are down on free bmd as bampfields but mother is bolland and not marrying bampfield unti 1916 when she is down as lizzie balland. one must be a typing error. help would be appreciated



Maddie Report 22 Sep 2011 10:14

is this them
BAMPFIELD, Arthur Head Married M 39 1872 Bricklayers Labourer Birmingham VIEW
BAMPFIELD, Lizzie Wife Married
8 years F 40 1871 West Bromwich Staffs VIEW
BAMPFIELD, Norman Son M 7 1904 Kings Heath B Ham VIEW
BAMPFIELD, Lilley Daughter F 5 1906 Sally Oak B Ham VIEW
BAMPFIELD, Rosie Daughter F 2 1909 Sally Oak B Ham VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
18670 Reference:
RG14PN18670 RG78PN1115 RD392 SD1 ED32 SN113

Registration District:
Solihull Sub District:
Solihull Enumeration District:
32 Parish:

Back of 32 Albion Road Greet County:


mollymandysb Report 22 Sep 2011 12:02

thanks maddie

thats them, have somehow sent you a pm. thanks a million. i am trying to research my daughter in laws families for my grandson who is 16mnts old and the new one on the way. i have exhausted every avenue and sides of my fam and hope to put it all in a book for the children for when they are older.

thanks again



Maddie Report 22 Sep 2011 12:32

doing the same for my grandchildren
hope they will be interested in the future


Jonesey Report 22 Sep 2011 14:50

Being born c1871 but not having her children until 1903 onwards seems slightly odd for the time. Looking at when the couple did eventually marry in 1915 I wonder whether Lizzie may have already been married when she began her relationship with Arthur Bampfield. If her husband was still alive when Lizzie met Arthur perhaps Lizzie was not free to marry Arthur until then.

Marriages Jun 1915 (>99%)
Ballard Lizzie Bampfield Aston 6d 1097
Bampfield Arthur Ballard Aston 6d 1097


mollymandysb Report 27 Sep 2011 16:05

yes, i saw that. apparently, arthur bampfield went out to canada in abot 1890 as not on 1891 or 1901 census but we know we came back because they had issue by 1903. cant find a marriage to match lizzie's so whether she was married in canada and had to wait for him to die, hoping to send for marriage cert for further information.



Jonesey Report 27 Sep 2011 18:10

I cannot see any record of Arthur Bampfield arriving in Canada or indeed arriving back in the UK. Do you have any evidence that he did indeed spend any time there?

It looks possible that his sister Minnie c1880 travelled to Queensland Australia in 1899.

P.S. Contrary to what is shown on the 1911 census Arthur was born in Aston in 1870.

Name: Arthur Bampfield
Date of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec 1870
Registration district: Aston
Inferred County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 356


mollymandysb Report 8 Oct 2011 18:53

sorry not been ont his site for some time. yes arthur was born in aston. it was from someone on another site that suggested arthur bampfield went to canada, montreal in fact.

i was doing this research for my daughter in law's father and advised them that they ought to buy arthur and lizzie's marriage cert to see what the status was etc. as i think she must have been married before. altho it says on census that she was born in west bromwich i cant find any birth for her or a marriage.

they were nt keen on spending £9. omg i spent a fortune sending for certs, sometimes to only find that i have gone down the wrong track.

thanks for your help.



Jonesey Report 8 Oct 2011 21:06

Two more possible children born when the mothers maiden name was shown on the index:

Name: Cyril Bampfield
Mother's Maiden Name: Bollard
Date of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec 1911
Registration district: Solihull
Inferred County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 1227

Name: Albert E Bampfield
Mother's Maiden Name: Bollard
Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1915
Registration district: Aston
Inferred County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 692

This would indicate that the mothers name was Bollard rather than Ballard as shown on the transcription of the marriage certificate. The fact that the mother was still having children in 1915 might possibly indicate that she may have been born later than what was indicated in the 1911 census.

Might be worth thinking about:

Births Jun 1877 (>99%)
Bollard Lizzie West Bromwich

Name: Lizzie Bampfield
Birth Date: abt 1877
Date of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1969
Age at Death: 92
Registration district: Birmingham
Inferred County: Warwickshire
Volume: 9c
Page: 413

Name: Arthur Bampfield
Birth Date: abt 1870
Date of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1926
Age at Death: 56
Registration district: Birmingham South
Inferred County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 99

Of course all this information can only be confirmed as correct by the purchase of certificates and if the person who you are doing this research for is not prepared to spend then it is probably the end of the road for the time being.


mollymandysb Report 10 Oct 2011 23:30

thanks for that, yes that looks like them. very sad arthur felt that he had a serious illness and hung himself.