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Gedcom files

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Tudor Report 18 Sep 2011 21:42

I've just imported a gedvcom file - but the resultant tree seems to be inverted. ie, instead of descendants being BELOW the heading, they are ABOVE it ! Does anyone know how I can reverse things so that they are the usual way ?

Many thanks. :-S


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Sep 2011 22:28

Rather than for you to think you are being ignored...........

Do you mean that your 'root person' is at the top of the tree, rather than the bottom? That's quite an achievement, and no, unfortunately I have no idea how to recify what has happened. :-0 That's probably why no one else has made a suggestion.

If no one more computer literate can give a sensible answer, you could contact GR support and see what they suggest.

Good luck!


Tudor Report 18 Sep 2011 22:37

That's exactly what's happened. I've never known it to happen before, though I suppose that it has done. Thanks very much for your reply - might have to contact GR to what they can suggest;.


InspectorGreenPen Report 19 Sep 2011 07:27

I don't fully understand what you mean by 'the resultant tree seems to be inverted'

That said, the Root person is determined by the program that was used to create the gedcom. Unfortunately there is no user facility on GR to change the Root person if it is incorrect. However, if you email GR with the details they will change it for you.

Incidentally, which program was used to create the gedcom?


Tudor Report 19 Sep 2011 19:15

I used Family Tree Maker version 11. By 'inverted' I mean that, instead of the tree going DOWN the screen (descendant being BELOW the names parents, they go ABOVE them). Rather odd, I think.


InspectorGreenPen Report 20 Sep 2011 06:19

FTM 11 gedcoms should be fine, that is what I use and don't usually have any problems uploading to GR.

Are you having problems with the way other member trees display? It could be that your browser isn't rendering the tree display correctly. Could you give me access to your tree so I can take a look?


Wend Report 20 Sep 2011 09:09

If you are still having problems Tudor, I would recommend taking up the Inspector's offer. I once gave him access to my tree when I was having problems with a Gedcom and he very kindly sorted it out for me in no time at all :-D


Tudor Report 20 Sep 2011 20:55

Yes, Insp GP, I can certainly do that. If you can let me know how to give you accress I'll give that accress. Many thanks for your offer.


InspectorGreenPen Report 21 Sep 2011 07:24

I'll send you a message.