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CasCas Report 15 Sep 2011 23:44

Thanks everyone.

We maybe have enough info to order the cert ie full name, date of birth, place etc. father was unknown and it did ask for mothers name. We know her surname as it was on the birth record but we only have an initial so have entered that.

We'l wait and see what comes back but I expect they may ask for more info seeing as this lady was adopted. All in all I think the adoption file has to be next thing requested.

Best wishes
Cassie ;-)


Porkie_Pie Report 15 Sep 2011 23:13

I ordered my grand daughters birth cert from the GRO online 6 month ago,

although i had the GRO reference i still had to give Full names for the child and parents plus dob before it would accept my order


edit, i have just checked, online GRO for a birth under 50 year rule

from their web site
If you do not have the GRO index reference you may still apply online for any event which took place on or after 1st July 1837 to 6 months from the current date (for marriages this period is extended to 18 months). A 3 year search for the index reference will be carried out. You must supply the exact date of event if you have it. If you don't have the exact date enter 01/01/YEAR and we will search the specified year and one year either side.( Is this the loophole ) because it goes on to say

Again, you will be prompted to supply further details for more recent births and deaths as you complete the online application form. If you are unable to complete the mandatory fields then you will not be able to apply online

below is the application form,

Particulars of the person whose certificate is required
Below is an England and Wales Birth Certificate Application Form where full information is required.

without GRO info
Required fields will be followed by the * character

Year birth was registered
Surname at birth *
Forename(s) *
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*
Place of birth*
Father’s/Parent’s surname *
Father’s/Parent’s forename(s) *
Mother's maiden surname *
Mother's surname at time of the birth
Mother's forename(s) *

and with GRO info
Year birth was registered
Surname at birth *
Forename(s) *
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*
Place of birth *
Father’s/Parent’s surname *
Father’s/Parent’s forename(s) *
Mother's maiden surname *
Mother's surname at time of the birth
Mother's forename(s) *


I have also posted this on the thread with the link that Jan posted above
15 Sep 2011 22:57

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 15 Sep 2011 22:57

She may have to contact the GRO to explain that the certificate is her own and that she was adopted and that is why she doesn't know her birth mothers full name. There may be an anotation on the original cert stating that she was adopted.


brummiejan Report 15 Sep 2011 22:57

Actually, you can order birth certs this recent even with no GRO ref. Bit of a loophole maybe!


You never need parents' names as far as I know.

However, I would advise getting the adoption file first.


Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 15 Sep 2011 22:53

An adoption certificate doesn't have the birth mother's name on it, just the names of the adoptive parents.


Porkie_Pie Report 15 Sep 2011 22:49

Remember that their is a 50 year rule,
For births in the last 50 years you would need full details eg full names and actual dob, and not just the GRO info



CasCas Report 15 Sep 2011 22:45

Thanks ever so much Jan!

Cassie ;-)


brummiejan Report 15 Sep 2011 22:33

I hope she finds the info she is looking for. Fingers crossed for her.
Remember we are here if she gets stuck.


CasCas Report 15 Sep 2011 22:32

Thanks Jan
We're just ordering the cert now and all seems ok. Im going to ask her to get her full file and advice as Im sure it will assist her in her search.

The lady concerned has lived abroad for many years and so obtaining the info prior to this may have been difficult.

Regards & best wishes
Cassie :-D


brummiejan Report 15 Sep 2011 22:28

You can order a birth cert with: person's name, registration district, year and quarter (jan-March for example). plus page and volume numbers.

You do not need an address.

If you order online from GRO it will become clear:

Certs cost £9.25.

But yes, she should get her adoption file. I would contact social services in the first instance.



CasCas Report 15 Sep 2011 22:17

Thanks Jan,
This lady has only seen an adoption cert which does not have a full name and no other details. Im not sure if this is usual? I think I may suggest that she applies for the file which I assume she can do these days?

I have the birth details, registration district, exact dob, MMN and page and volume references but not mothers full name or address so want sure if we could apply with just this info?
Cassie :-) :-)


brummiejan Report 15 Sep 2011 22:06

Firstly, people can now access their own adoption records. I would imagine this person already has them though?
Anyone can order any birth cert. For later births it helps to mhave the exact date, which this person will presumably have. You just need to locate the entry!
Does the adoption file not have a copy though? I don't know if it should or not, but it seems reasonable to think so..
Might be an idea to contact NORCAP for advice:



CasCas Report 15 Sep 2011 21:56

Please could anyone tell me if it was usual for an adoption certificate (1973) to have just an initial as the mothers name ie M Smith rather than her full name?
We are aware that the mother was young and I just wondered if the M could have meant minor (or is that just a silly asumption?). Father unknown.

Also am I right in thinking that it is now possible for an adoptee to obtain their own birth certificate if they can prove who they are ie with an adoption certificate?

Many thanks for any advice
Cas :-)