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Discrepancy on marriage cert.

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wisechild Report 14 Sep 2011 12:55

Thanks Andy.
I assumed that whoever sent the info to the registrar had mistranscribed the names.
At least now I know what her surname actually was.


Andrew Report 14 Sep 2011 12:46

The marriage cert is written up later from the parish records, so the writing will be different. The parish record was written and signed by the people who were at the marriage.

In theory the two records should be the same, but when copies are made errors can be made.



wisechild Report 14 Sep 2011 12:18

Since 1994 I have had in my posession a copy of the marriage cert for my 2x grandparents, which has caused me many a headache.
It appears to be a photocopy of the original cert,but have just looked at the Yorkshire marriages on line & it looks completely different.
The groom´s details are the same but the bride´s surname & her father´s surname are different which is what has been causing me the problems.
On the copy cert, the surname is Rushworth for both father & daughter, but on the parish record, it´s Rushforth. She is Ellen Rushforth on the 1841 census & on the birth certs of all her children.
have never tracked down her birth/baptism although she consistently states she was born in Barnsley.
She was Ellen Rushforth, b Barnsley around 1818.
Her father was John Rushforth, weaver.
She married George Firth 28.11.1841 in Silkstone in the registration district of Wortley & Penistone.
Not sure why they married there as they were both living in Barnsley on the 1841 census.
The witnesses are Thomas Hemingway & Thomas Stayton. Can´t tie them in as family members.
On Ancestry, their signatures are clear. On the cert they look different & the handwriting on the two doesn´t match.
Anyone any theories as to why the differences?
