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Advise needed please

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DazedConfused Report 11 Sep 2011 15:46

Can you not email this information, quicker & cheaper :-D

Also as long as you put on the customs declaration what is in the package, it will be fine. Most mail packets go through a scanner and unless you put in something which looks odd in relation to what is listed on customs declaration it will be fine.

Do ensure that your package is wrapped securely as the worst thing that could happen is it bursts open and pieces are lost. :-D


Kathlyn Report 11 Sep 2011 14:41

Thanks Potty.



Potty Report 11 Sep 2011 14:23

Ask at the post office when you post it, they should know what the regulations are.


Kathlyn Report 11 Sep 2011 14:03

I have just recently made contact with a rellie in the USA and have put together copies of photo`s, information and a family tree.

Tha package is A4 size and about half an inch thick. I will have my name and address as sender, but knowing how sensitive the States with security, should I put what the package contains, for instance...

Contents:- Family tree information.

many thanks
