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Help with name changes

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Leanne Report 9 Sep 2011 15:43


I am just after some advice from any of you please. I will try and explain everything as easily and quickly as possible.

I am looking in the Podd family. I know that William Podd was born in 1861 and married Emily Wood. He then died in 1899 age 38. I know this information is all correct. Emily later married a man much younger than herself and my Nanna can remember the second husband as she refered to him as 'uncle'.

When looking further back I can find William Podd on the 1861 census living as a grandson with the head of the family (Henry Podd)
As I was unsure who Williams parents were I ordered his birth certificate, and that only shows his mother (Lucy Podd also living at the same house on the 1861 census)
I could not find any trace of William on the 1871 census.
He then marries Emily Wood in 1880 and is on the 1881 Census again.

I then found that Williams mother, Lucy, got married in the later part of 1861 to William Beckett. I then found William on the 1871 census as William Beckett.....but he got married as William Podd?

Have I ended up going down the wrong track somewhere and got the person mixed up? Or was it possible/common that a child not born in the marriage would take the husbands name for census purposes?

Any help would be most appreciated as I am getting myself tangled up in knots here!


brummiejan Report 9 Sep 2011 15:45

Short answer is children often appear with surname of 'stepfather'. More often than not from what I have seen!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 9 Sep 2011 16:00

You probably have the correct (same ) person.

I searched for years for the birth of a young girl born 1882 and first seen with a married couple as their daughter in 1891.
As they married in 1885, I figured she must be the illegitimate child of the wife, ....but still couldn't find a birth under THAT surname.

A thread on here asking for help tracked down a possible answer and certs. confirmed that she was the illegitimate child of the husband ( rightly shown as her father in census) but registered in the name of her birth mother.( who died ) She married with that name too, although in the intervening years she is in census with her father's surname.

Anything is possible.......
