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Hugh Wallis batch numbers

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Hilary645633 Report 7 Sep 2011 22:40


Is anyone else finding that they cannot access the 'submit query' results as the message saying that the web page cannot be found comes up?

I know that I can use the Hugh Wallis batch number and input it into the IGI AdvancedSsearch, but when I need to access a name that is well down the alphabet the lack of the facility to input a page number is very annoying.

Have I missed some notification about the HW site or is it perhaps a temporary problem?

Thank you.


wisechild Report 8 Sep 2011 07:21

Hi Hilary.
There seems to be a problem generally with using batch numbers on the IGI.
I put up a thread about it a couple of days ago & several people responded saying they had the same problem.
When you find a batch number on the IGI for a baptism, then enter the surname, parents names & batch number to look for other baptisms to the same parents, it defaults to the new search & tells you that the baptism you have found doesn´t exist.
So you´re not alone.
Hope it gets sorted soon


InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Sep 2011 07:27

It would appear that the IGI have withdrawn the facility to search by Batch No as per the 'Old' site

It appears to be a ploy to get people to use the 'New' site, which many, including me, are having great difficulty getting to grips with especially as it no longer supports some of the search functions we were used to.


wisechild Report 8 Sep 2011 07:39

Nice of them to say so.
Like you IGP I find the new site very difficult to navigate.
Because of where I live, broadband is very expensive (€42 per month on top of an equal amount for line rental & calls.......impossible on a pension) so I struggle on with dial up which is slow & unreliable, but better than nothing.
It seems that the majority of sites these days adapt everything with broadband in mind, forgetting that there are still customers stuck with dial up.
This just makes matters worse when trying to navigate the new Familysearch site which is in my opinion far more cumbersome than the old site.


InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Sep 2011 09:06

I just can't get to grips with it - i usually give up in frustration and go back to the old site - but, how long will that still be there?

It seems to me that they are deliberately removing any functions they are not planning to provide on the new one from the old version.


Hilary645633 Report 8 Sep 2011 11:30

Thank you for the replies.

IGP, the page is very helpful - but please how did you get to it?

Like many others I am finding the new familysearch hard to navigate and feel it is far less user friendly than the old site.

Please keep tips and ideas coming.



InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Sep 2011 11:33


Just by Googling. Can't remember exactly what I put in, but it was something like:-

igi batch number problem


Hilary645633 Report 8 Sep 2011 15:50

Hello IGP

Thank you for that - I certainly couldn't get anywhere from the site's buttons, but I am no expert. They have certainly made it harder for us to use.



InspectorGreenPen Report 9 Sep 2011 10:14

nudge up