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advice appreciated

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Maxine Report 7 Sep 2011 17:51

Hi, not sure if this will be posted twice as the first time I posted it I was logged out??? I have birth and adoption certificates that have the details of an individual that I would like to contact. I am reluctant to do a search/thread on here as I do not want to cause distress to anyone (blood family or adopted family), However i am keen to trace this person and as they would be quite elderly (if still alive) I do not want to leave things to late and regret never searching. Sorry this is a bit random, just hoping i may get some advice back that will spur me on. Really do not want to cause hurt to anyone , but curious. :-S

Sue (Sylvia Z )

Sue (Sylvia Z ) Report 7 Sep 2011 18:23

It's always difficult, as you don't want to open a can of worms!!
Can you find out if they are still living? You could send for the marriage cert (if you found a marriage) and also look to see if they had already died.

A good way to write, if you find they are living, is to be very general in your questions and say you are compiling a family tree and wonder if "Person A" has any connections to your tree.
Don't forget to enclose a stamped addressed envelope for the reply.

The main thing is to take the plunge, you'll always be wondering otherwise!

Hope this is of some help.



Andrew Report 7 Sep 2011 18:30

There is an organistion called NORCAP, which will help with contact with biological parents,



patchem Report 7 Sep 2011 18:34

Have you looked on here to see if anyone has them in their tree?


Maxine Report 9 Sep 2011 18:41

Thank you for advice so far everyone.
Have found alot of birth family members in records on this site since my first post unfortunately none of them seem to be on any trees. Still need to bite the bullet and make contact, just need to find an address, strange that they all live in the same town as me and always have.
With regards to Norcap I looked into this a while back and because I am not the direct descendant they seem unable to help this is also why i tend to hold back, if it was my parent I would be more certain of making contact, but I am the grandchild (is it my place to do so?).


Rachel Report 7 Oct 2011 22:37

An intermeadiary service is what you need. Basically your local social services should provide one, you will probabley have to pay but what they do is, they find your relative and ask them if they would like contact with you.

They will give you counselling just incase the outcome isnt what you were hopeing for.

That is by far the best way to do it

Hopes this helps

Kind Regards


lancashireAnn Report 7 Oct 2011 23:16

the Salvation Army also used to so a similar service which may not give you an address but might tell you if the person is alive or not and the area in which they are living