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and the pets !

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Lindsey* Report 7 Sep 2011 13:48

It 's always worth checking the original image , here the pets were listed !

GLASSPOOLE, Leopold Head Married M 41 1870 Millers Commercial Traveller Bow Middlesex VIEW
GLASSPOOLE, Jessie Rose Wife Married
16 years F 45 1866 Forestgate Essex VIEW
GLASSPOOLE, Phyllis Rose Daughter Single F 15 1896 School Acton Middlesex VIEW
GLASSPOOLE, Eric Son Single M 13 1898 School Barnsbury Mdx VIEW
GLASSPOOLE, Renee Daughter Single F 9 1902 School Barnes Surrey VIEW
SMITH, Rosa Mother In Law Widow F 85 1826 Pimlico VIEW
HOWLETT, Lizzie Single F 31 1880 Servant Domestic Bow MX VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
7095 Reference:
RG14PN7095 RG78PN347 RD130 SD1 ED28 SN263

Registration District:
Hendon Sub District:
Harrow Enumeration District:
28 Parish:

Bryansted Alperton

spot the dog, 1
Tom cat 3
and fowls


Jonesey Report 7 Sep 2011 13:56

Love it.

I must confess that I was tempted to include our family dog, Rufus Jones, in the 2011 census return but thought better of it when I completed the form.


brummiejan Report 7 Sep 2011 14:33

Totally brilliant. Thanks for sharing this. I shall be including the cat when I next get the chance!


Mistycat Report 7 Sep 2011 14:34

Isnt that fun...

My friend included his animals....He said just to give us "hunters of all things dead" a giggle in 100 yr time..

They are.....

Fin and Eric....Horses
Elephant....Cat ( yes that is his real name, he is HUGE )

Misty x


wisechild Report 7 Sep 2011 14:47

Well why not.
Everyone knows that humans live with cats, not the other way round.
oliver very graciously allows us to live in his house.


InspectorGreenPen Report 7 Sep 2011 14:47

I was a census collector this year and we were told on our training course that because the forms were to be scanned directly into the computer, they had built in software to recognise certain word patterns which would set off an alarm if they were found.

The idea was to identify spoiled forms, especially those where the householder had written something rude. The householder would then be treated as if they had failed to complete their return and be asked complete a new one correctly, or risk being prosecuted.

It would be interesting to know if the list of forbidden words included such things as 'Cat' ' Dog' 'Pig' etc......!


Mistycat Report 7 Sep 2011 16:42


After reading your post I have just called my friend, he assures me he wasnt "pulling my leg" about the animals nor has he had any further requests to fill in another return, or been threatened with prosecution....

So maybe animals were not on the forbidden list

Misty x


Berniethatwas Report 8 Sep 2011 06:20

I think the part time occupation for our cat would have to be given as 'vet killer'. There is a note in her recoreds - nasty animal. She IS NOT! - providing there is a hottie for her in our bed in winter and that we will offer her a selection of food during the day.

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?
I've been to the vet to get my vaccine.
Pussy cat pussy cat, why do you cry?
I bit the Vet's hand and I spat in his eye.