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Incorrect Information

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loobylu Report 7 Sep 2011 00:04

Hi, I have been using Genes for a while and have been very happy with the information i have found on this site. However today i thought i would search for myself to see how many there are..... and found that there has been a spelling mistake on the transcription of my birth record.

Does anyone know how i contact genes to correct this?
My name is Lucy Sarah and the transcription comes up Lucy Saran



Lynski Report 7 Sep 2011 05:40

I found it on FindMyPast and have requested a correction on that site.

The original does say Sarah but it has been transcribed incorrectly.


InspectorGreenPen Report 7 Sep 2011 09:33

Always check the GRO index page too as the error might be there.

Both our surnames were entered incorrectly by the GRO on the actual index for our marriage. The Ancestry transcriber didn't stand a chance.....! We have now had an amendment made at the GRO as well as advising Ancestry of the problem.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Sep 2011 10:58

Please could you tell me how you got the GRO index changed... either here or by PM.?

My sister's birth entry has an incorrect entry for our mother's maiden name on the actual GRO image.




InspectorGreenPen Report 7 Sep 2011 12:24


It was all done by email back in 2006. I don't seem to have my original email outlining the problem only the replies from the GRO but I think it was sent to the em address on the website

[email protected]

I received a reply almost straight away which said:-

"Thank you for your e-mail. I have requested a copy of your marriage
certificate from the records that we hold and once I receive this I will be
able to advise you further."

I heard nothing more for just over two months when I received a second reply which stated:-

"Our investigations are now complete and I can confirm that the error with
your marriage entry is just in our Indexes and not on the actual marriage

I have informed our Receipt & Indexing Department of the error with the
indexes and they will amend our records accordingly in due course."

They also went on to say that they could do nothing about copies of the index already purchased by third parties i.e. genealogy websites.

I don't think the GRO are able to change anything if the error is on the original certificate. I am not absolutely certain but I believe this has to be done through the point where the event was originally registered.

Hope this helps.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Sep 2011 15:39

Thanks for that IGP... It's very helpful.

I will ask my sister if she wants to follow this up, or let me go ahead.
The actual certificate is OK, so she might not even be aware that the index is incorrect, never having had a need to check it.
I think the index mistake is perhaps a result of script writing wrongly read..... as has happened often with that name in census.

Thanks for your help.



Nickydownsouth Report 7 Sep 2011 23:15

Thats intresting as my mothers maiden name is wrong on the indexes for her marriage, but i know the certificate is correct, wonder if its worth getting in touch to try and get it changed..??

The problem with the GRO index being wrong is the knock on means freeBMD, Ancestry, FMP, wherever you look all have it wrong...



InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Sep 2011 09:11

I would - as I said, they agreed to change the GRO index for my own marriage. Trouble is the correction will not automatically filter down to genealogy sites.


sailorbaz Report 8 Sep 2011 10:45

Thanks for your input IGP.
My surname is spelt wrong on the GRO index but correct on our marriage cert. I sent them an email but got an automated response saying it wouldn't be acted on! They said resend it with GQ in the subject line with a space either side of it.
I did this and got a reply from an actual person saying that if I sent a copy of our marriage cert they would correct the index but wouldn't be able to change the 400+ other sites with it on.