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Tracing Gypsy families

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oldbean Report 3 Sep 2011 14:50

I am trying to find out if some of my Ancestors are from a Gypsy family, I know that there is lots of documentation out there but can anyone help with the best information to trace family names etc. I am particularly looking at the Essex area.

Thank you if anyone can help.


DazedConfused Report 3 Sep 2011 15:01

One of the best sites for general queries is Rootschat which has a topic board dedicated to travelling families. Rootschat is free to join and is just like the boards on here but with some more speicalised threads.

Also just googling is very useful.

Do try to see last weeks Who Do You Think You Are when Larry Lamb was researching his circus/travelling ancestors. Some very good stuff there. :-)


oldbean Report 3 Sep 2011 15:19

Thank PigletsPal. Yes I have googled and will try Rootschat now. I
missed Larry Lamb but intend to catch up on iplayer.


cassi444 Report 3 Sep 2011 17:18

Hi Oldbean
Yes please do catch up with the Larry Lamb WDYTYA
It was very revealing, I would have liked for him to have chased up where his grandad ended up, whether he died young or remarried, perhaps they did but didn't air that bit! His mum may have more relatives!!

Good luck with your search


oldbean Report 3 Sep 2011 17:35

Thanks Cas everyone seems to have enjoyed this episode. Just about to catch up now as I am coddling myself after a virus, so sitting up in bed,
glass of water-lovely!!

Cornish Susie

Cornish Susie Report 4 Sep 2011 11:20

I enjoyed that episode too, but apart from a passing reference to the grandfather being possibly declared dead after 7 years, there was no mention of a proper divorce. If this didn't happen, it made the next marriages bigamous and the American cousin illegitimate! Not such a nice surprise after all! I also found it odd that no mention was made of what happened to the grandfather after he left his wife and child - surely they went looking for his death just to tidy things up?



DazedConfused Report 4 Sep 2011 12:10

I think it was mentioned several times by both Larry and his Day cousins that his grandfather just upped and left and no-one ever heard from him again.

They probably had tried to find him, but he obviously did not leave much of a trail, maybe he did not want to be found.

As for the illegitimacy of the US brother, he did not seem that bothered about it, just excited to have a sister. As an only child I know I would not be bothered about legitimacy if a sibling was to suddenly turn up. I would be thrilled.


Quoy Report 4 Sep 2011 12:42

try these


oldbean Report 4 Sep 2011 15:27

Thanks Quoy

Thats what I was hoping for!


Quoy Report 4 Sep 2011 16:03

You are welcome

one more to add to the list


Potty Report 4 Sep 2011 16:37

I think they said that if the husband had been missing for 7 years, he could be declared dead but she did say she was a spinster on the second marriage record!


Suzanne Report 5 Sep 2011 22:32

just lookedat some of the web sites that you posted and found them very in angelsey wehave the LOCK and LEE gypsy familys,
and i remember as a child, my grandparentshad a shop on acamp sitein saltney north wales andon the road along sidethe caravan site lived some old romanys ,husband and wife with the traditional romany caravan.and camp fire,i lovedgoing to sit with the old woman she smoked a pipe andmade rabbit stew on the stove.x please forgive my txt ,having trouble with my keyboard.x


Quoy Report 6 Sep 2011 06:06

they are some of my favourite sites even though I haven't found any connections with my family I live in hope.
I think I would be a fair weather Gypsy ,only travelling in the summer and somewhere nice and cosy in the winter.
Maybe when we retire we could be part time gypsies .

Glad you enjoyed them.

P.S my brother in law lives on Angelsey ,lovely place


Suzanne Report 6 Sep 2011 21:45

where does he live and whats his name,imay know him,its a small island,x