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Clearing your Browser Cache / Temp Files

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InspectorGreenPen Report 3 Sep 2011 07:00

Failure to clear out your browser cache / temp files on a regular basis can often cause problems when tyring to load web pages. A good example of this is the GR tree which being fairly large in terms of web page size, fails to fully load or only partially loads leaving some features missing.

I am often asked the procedure for clearing the cache and whilst it is fairly straightforward, it does differ slightly depending on which browser and version you have on your PC.

This Help Page describes the procedure for most common browsers

I would recommend that you leave your cookies intact and do not remove them, otherwise you will find that features where particular sites remember such things as your log-in details or browsing preferences may be lost.


InspectorGreenPen Report 3 Sep 2011 07:32

Another option is to install a cleaning program such as CCLeaner and run this every other day or so.

A useful feature is the the program will allow select specific Internet cookies to keep, across all your browsers, while CCleaner deletes the rest. The benefit of this is to keep cookies for specific sites that you know to be safe, such as GR, Ancestry, your Bank etc, while getting rid of the rest that you don't want tracking you.

To do this, open CCleaner select Options then Cookies. On the left you will see a list of all the cookies on your PC. You might be surprised how large the list actually is.....!

Go down the list selecting those for sites that you use regularly and trust the site. Highlight and click on the => arrow to move to the Keep list on the right hand side. When you next run the Clenaer, those on the left will be deleted, preserving those you have selected to keep.


Phyll Report 3 Sep 2011 11:36

Thank you

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 3 Sep 2011 14:27




InspectorGreenPen Report 4 Sep 2011 16:03

Thats a new one for me. Thanks, I'll take a look