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1911 address query, can you help please?

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Leyther Report 2 Sep 2011 20:10

Good evening all
I wonder if anyone can help confirm an actual address on the 1911 census and if not, what is best to believe, the census itself or the transcript on Find My Past?

Basically I have Harriet Smith born c. 1873 living in LEIGH, LANCASHIRE with her family in 1911 at 5 George Street Leigh. She is aged 37. When I actually open the census and read the original document, the signature at the bottom had has been an "X" but written as her Husband but the address lookes like it says 5 CANAL STREET?

When I flick thorugh the pages of the census, number 1 George Street on FMP is actually 45 KING STREET on the census itself.

Any ideas? Number 5 George Street for Harriet does fit in with the houses either side, but it does seem to say CANAL STREET.

Your help & opinion is greatly appreciated...which version would you use as findings to put on my tree?

Many thanks in advance


patchem Report 2 Sep 2011 20:50

Query it with FMP?


Leyther Report 2 Sep 2011 20:53

thanks will do - was just checking in case anyone had experience on this as it is the first time I have encountered it



brummiejan Report 2 Sep 2011 22:06

I agree it looks like Canal st on the image. However, it fits with George st as each side are numbers 3 and 7 as you say. I have never seen this before.


tempest Report 2 Sep 2011 22:44

on the enumerators list the Smiths are at 5 George Street, the next street is Canal Street with the Ratcliffe family at number 5


Leyther Report 3 Sep 2011 18:16

Thank you for this, I am relatively new to this and did not think to look at the enumerators list. I see what you mean now.
I have reported it to FMP and got the reply that if it warrants a change, it will be completed within 20days.

So as Mr Smith was illiterate and signed "X", do you think the enumerator or whoever filled it in has just done it wrong? Meaning the Smiths DID live at 5 George Street but it was just written incorrectly on their census form?

Thanks again