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Can someone just confirm this for me

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Leanne Report 2 Sep 2011 19:43


I have not been doing this too long and have just come across something I never have before.

I was looking into a Katie Podd born 1880, who I found married a Henry Bacon in 1899. On the 1901 census it is showing Katie as the head of the family and having a daughter also Katie. When looking at the younger Katie birth record I have found two.

The first shows a Katie Henrietta E Bacon born in Mar qtr of 1900 in the district or Tendring, Essex
However there is then a second one for also a Katie H E Bacon born in Ardleigh, (in Tendring, Essex for anyone not knowing the area) but the source of that is the GRO Regimental Birth Indices. This shows the birth as being registered in 1899.

I am assuming that therefore Henry Bacon was in the army and that is why he is not shown on the 1901 census. Is it also possible that Katie was born in 1899 but not registered until the early part of 1900??

Thank you in adavnce



GlitterBaby Report 2 Sep 2011 19:48

1911 ?
BACON, Henry Head Married M 39 1872 Stockman On Farm Essex Ardleigh VIEW
BACON, Katie Lousia Wife Married
12 years F 30 1881 Suffolk Tuddenham VIEW
BACON, Katie Henrietta Ellen Daughter F 11 1900 Essex Ardleigh VIEW
BACON, Rosalie Margaret Daughter F 7 1904 Essex Ardleigh VIEW
BACON, Alice Lilian Daughter F 5 1906 Essex Ardleigh VIEW


RG number:
RG14 Piece:
10275 Reference:
RG14PN10275 RG78PN542 RD197 SD5 ED11 SN93

Registration District:
Tendring Sub District:
Ardleigh Enumeration District:
11 Parish:

Glebe Bridge Cottage Ardleigh Essex


Leanne Report 2 Sep 2011 19:51

Yes thats the right family :)


Andrew Report 2 Sep 2011 20:07

Its quite possible that if young Katie was born late in 1899 the birth could be registered in 1900 as yuy have up to six weeks to register the birth. Her cert will show correct date of birth
