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Tree access problem

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oldbean Report 1 Sep 2011 11:14

I have access to a tree someone is kindly letting me have a look at as it contains mutual ancestors. My problem is that it is so large I am having difficulty in viewing, it is so slow to download that I have had to close down which also took ages! Has anyone any ideas please?

Apologies if this is the wrong site!



InspectorGreenPen Report 1 Sep 2011 11:49

What do you mean by large? I can access trees with tens of thousands of names on them without problem.

If you haven't done so recently clear you browser cache, as if it is full of clutter it can prevent trees and indeed other web pages from loading properly.

Are you looking in full tree mode? If so change to a different view - I tend to use Immediate Family most of the time, occasionally switching to Ancertors or Descendants when I want to follow lines up or down.


oldbean Report 1 Sep 2011 11:56

Thank you IGP.

Yes 25000! However, a great idea using immediate family and I havn't cleared my browser! I do get carried away and forget to clean up! I shall do that now as I am anxious to get that crucial information.

Thank you very much again for such reliable advice.


InspectorGreenPen Report 1 Sep 2011 12:10

With 25k names, full view is probably struggling a bit.

Good luck


Kense Report 1 Sep 2011 12:53

As the tree is so large it might not be too reliable, so treat anything on it with care. Hopefully the parts you are interested in have been fully researched.



oldbean Report 1 Sep 2011 23:37

So sorry PigletsPal and KenSE, I wasn't expecting any one else to reply! Thankyou.

I have more or less found the bits that I am interested in (I think), only 2 names in common with my tree as far as I could get. Although the said tree is very large it would appear to be comprehensive but I was rather concerned to have full details of living members/children too! I am surprised as I thought that these were hidden.

Any thoughts anyone?


MargaretM Report 2 Sep 2011 01:14

With that many names the person is evidently a name collector and has just copied names from other people's trees. I wouldn't bother with any of it and hope that you haven't given him/her access to your tree.


oldbean Report 2 Sep 2011 07:20

Thanks Margee-no I haven't yet !


InspectorGreenPen Report 2 Sep 2011 07:22

Please don't assume that a large tree = a name collector.

I am in contact with several members who have 'large' trees and I can assure you they are not name collectors.


JustDinosaurJill Report 2 Sep 2011 19:38

Please could you explain how to do the 'clear browser' thingy you mention.

I'm not familiar with this and so have never done it.




patchem Report 2 Sep 2011 20:56

I also have had access to large trees that have been far more comprehensively researched than most smaller ones.
One in particular has the person's own style throughout the tree, so I doubt he has copied it from anyone else without doing his own research.
Probably the information is just from on-line sources, not certificates (well, the cost would be prohibitive) but do not just dismiss people as 'name collectors'.