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Genealogy Roadshow

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GinaS Report 29 Aug 2011 18:50

At last a Genealogy programme for non celebs,

Google the above

Hopefully Genesreunited will take note


GlitterBaby Report 29 Aug 2011 19:21

Is that an Irish programme ?


GinaS Report 29 Aug 2011 21:03

Yes it is, and sponsored by

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 30 Aug 2011 12:03

I've just googled it and read all the information - what a great idea - you lucky people in Ireland!!! :-D



Janice Report 30 Aug 2011 12:17

Wow! How fantastic! This is from the website:

The Genealogy Roadshow is a brand new series for RTE Television presented by Derek Mooney. We’re coming to a fabulous historical location near you. It’s the new Genealogy Television Series that helps ordinary people find extraordinary stories from their family history.

Our team of genealogy experts and historians will be giving free advice and help to anyone who wants it, using new technology to access the now available online records. This is your chance to fill in the blanks and reveal the true story of your family.

Each week we feature a range of stories and people who want to find their place in history. Our Genealogy swat team investigate stories and determine whether people are related to someone famous, or have a connection to a big event in Irish history or can solve a family mystery.

Over the next few months The Genealogy Roadshow will be coming to Kildare, Meath, Cork and Mayo and we want to hear from you.

Maybe you’re connected to Ernest Shackleton or maybe you’re the great, great, grand nephew of Wolfe Tone? Was your family involved in the 1798 rebellion, or 1916? Are you potentially related to JFK or Barack Obama?

Was a relative of yours one of the 123 people who boarded Titanic when it docked in Cobh in April 1912? Australian outlaw Ned Kelly’s father was from Tipperary, are you a Kelly from Cashel?

All across Ireland there are people who may have connections to everyone from the Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley to controversial American politician Sarah Palin. But it’s not just connections to famous people we’re after, we’re just as interested if your ancestor was involved in a significant historical event or if there are mysterious events in your family record that you’d like to uncover.

So if you have stories, letters, photographs, birth certificates, heirlooms or any other piece of information that might be useful, get in touch right now and let us help you get on the right track when The Genealogy Roadshow comes to a venue near you.

The series is being produced by Big Mountain productions for RTE. Please feel free to contact us on 086 237 5499 or [email protected]

Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins

Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins Report 30 Aug 2011 16:35


Wish they would come over to England!

Will we be able to see the TV series over here I wonder?


Maura Report 30 Aug 2011 17:01

I watched the 1st episode on Sunday, don't know really what to think of it, people on here could find the same info if not more.


GinaS Report 30 Aug 2011 17:17

What I liked about was, it did not only cover people who had connections to famous people of the past, but included people that had hit brick walls.

They only did four episodes, the response to the first two has been amazing, Roots Ireland have been innundated with resquests and so has RTE - the TV station.

People here on Genesreunited have been wanting such a programme, and it would be a good way for Genesreunited to sell their product.