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does anyone know!
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TootyFruity | Report | 29 Aug 2011 15:51 |
Could there have been twins and one died. Doesn't make sense though that they would make two trips to the registry office unless of course they were short of cash and so registered them separately |
Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it | Report | 29 Aug 2011 14:05 |
Not seen it done buts its a possibility you have to register a death more or less straight away but you have 42 days to register a birth. Its possible a death may have been reg and then the parents decided they should reg the birth too and gave the child a name. |
Researching: |
Christine | Report | 29 Aug 2011 13:59 |
hi has anyone ever come across or even know if it would be possible for a parent to register a death of a male child with no name mentioned then maybe a couple of weeks later register the child and give them a name and get a birth certificate for the child..... |