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Naturalisation ?

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kath23 Report 31 Aug 2011 20:22

Thank you Shirley.
The thing is I am not sure if it is my ancestor. His name was Joseph Solomon and there are a few Joseph Solomon's.
I also think that if I could think of a reason he wanted or needed to become a British citizen I would take the chance but I keep thinking he had been in England from at least 1851 why would he wait until 1864 to apply.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 31 Aug 2011 19:17

Well my paternal grandparents were German & I would grab at any connection on their ancestry. I have only found them on the 1891& 1901 census although I do have the birth cert of probably the youngest son born in 1889 in Bradford.
The grt grandma died in 1907 and i have her burial but after that ZILCH,
Although the 1901 says yes they have the authority to be here the National Archives have NO naturalization records for the family.

Grab what info you may find!! :-)


kath23 Report 31 Aug 2011 12:28

I have already received the quote and it is £10 which is why I am still unsure about spending that much

Regarding the Polish rebellion,would he have had to go back to Poland ?

Thank you treehunter will contact you


Treehunter Report 31 Aug 2011 11:54

I have pm'ed you Kath



RutlandBelle Report 31 Aug 2011 10:59

kmh, you can ask for a price quote on the National Archives site to get some idea of how much it would cost. There is no committment to purchase.


Quoy Report 31 Aug 2011 10:46

could it have been something to do with the Polish rebellion in 1863 ?


kath23 Report 31 Aug 2011 08:09

I have not sent for the records yet as I still am not sure my ancestor would have applied for naturalisation and I do not want to pay out if it is not my ancestor.
I just cannot think of a reason he would need to apply.
He was born in Poland in 1828. He lived with my g g g aunt from 1851 ish so why wait until 1864 to apply for naturilasion.
From census and BMD certificates of his children nothing in his life changed around that time so I am still trying to think of a reason that he would apply. It just puzzles me.
thanks for your input Karen

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 28 Aug 2011 13:40

One example.......

My grandad arrived in the UK in 1903.
He applied for Naturalisation in 1946 - only because my uncle was about to leave school and wanted either to join the RAF or do an Apprenticeship with an electronics company (which did Govt. work). By grandad being a British Citizen, my uncle's chances of applying to either would not be hindered.
Grandma's naturalisation was automatic, being the wife of one who had been granted naturalisation.



kath23 Report 28 Aug 2011 12:44

Thank you,on my way !


RutlandBelle Report 28 Aug 2011 12:41

go to Wikipedia and look for:

History of British nationality law


kath23 Report 28 Aug 2011 12:38

Hi Everyone,
I have found the naturalisation records on National Archives dated 1864 of a person who has the same name as one of my ancestors. Before I pay to obtain the record I was wondering if anyone knows what benefits a person would obtain in becoming a british subject ? I am just trying to think of a reason why my ancestor would want to do this
thank you kath