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How Do I Confirm Which One?

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Linda Report 27 Aug 2011 23:13

I have spent so long on this and still unsure how I can confirm which one is my rellie, can anyone help please.

My Rellie is John Arnold c1800, he married Mary Ann Oliver/Allington/?/?
They had the following children: John or Joseph 1826, Samuel Charles 1832, Ann 1834, William Neville 1837, Elizabeth Mary 1844 and Charles Thomas 1849 all born in City of London, Bishopsgate, Whitechapel and the surrounding areas. I need to find the names of John's parents and until I can confirm the maiden name of John's wife I can't move on any further. Because John Arnold is a common name there are a number of them all marrying Mary Ann's in that area so no matter how many marriage/birth certs. I purchase I can't be certain if they are the right ones. Any ideas please.
Thank you.


Vera Report 27 Aug 2011 23:24

Male Family


Spouse: MARY ANN OLIVER Family
Marriage: 03 MAY 1826 Christ Church Greyfriars Newgate, London, London, England

Regards Vera


Vera Report 27 Aug 2011 23:26


England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906
about John Arnold
Name: John Arnold
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 21 Oct 1799
Christening Date: 10 Nov 1799
Christening Place: Westminster, London, England
Age at Christening: 0
Father's name: James Arnold
Mother's name: Mary

Regards Vera


Christina(Lancashire) Report 27 Aug 2011 23:32

The yougest child's birth certificate should have his mother's maiden name.


Linda Report 27 Aug 2011 23:38

Vera: Possibility the Mary Ann Oliver is the wife but there are others. The Christening I am fairly sure is not my John Arnold, Westminster was up market in comparison to Whitechapel!!

I have Charles Thomas birth cert. and it doesn't have MMN on it just Mary Ann Arnold.

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.



Cheshiremaid Report 27 Aug 2011 23:43

From the parish records on Ancestry..

Name: John Arnold
Spouse Name: Mary Ann Oliver
Record Type: Banns
Marriage Bann Date: 03 May 1826
Parish: St Leonard Foster Lane
County: London Borough: City of London

The witnesses named are J Knight and Ann Hood...not sure if that is any help.



Patricia Report 27 Aug 2011 23:44

From Freebmd..... possible births for the 2 youngest children, getting one of these should give you Mary Ann's maiden name

Births Jun 1844 (>99%)
Arnold Elizabeth Mary E. London 2 198

Births Mar 1849 (>99%)
ARNOLD Charles Thomas E London 2 226

EDIT I see you already have Charles's birth cert so perhaps try the other one


Linda Report 27 Aug 2011 23:45

Thank you LindaB, I had found that and unfortunately, most of the witnesses on the entire page are the same!!


Cheshiremaid Report 27 Aug 2011 23:50

Ooops :-D


Linda Report 27 Aug 2011 23:56

Okay Patricia, didn't want to but suppose the other birth cert. is a must, beginning to wish I hadn't got so involved in this, it's costing me a fortune!
Thank you each and all for your help.


InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Aug 2011 14:58

We had a very similar situation in my wife's tree, the Rimmers and Blundells of Southport. Names are so common that even if you order all the certs that look close there is no way on knowing that you have the correct one.

Eventually I was able to obtain a birth certificate for the sibling with the least most common christian name. This gave the mothers surname, which turned out not to be the one we thought it was.

With the mother's name, we were then able to order the birth cert for the sibling who we had been searching for in vain by getting the GRO to do a three year search. It also enabled us to find the parents marriage - again not the one we were expecting and of course this go us back to their parents.

I appreciate that the period you are interested in goes back before registration but I do think you will need to order one or more birth certs to get the parents names.

Get as much info as to names and dates of birth from the census returns and remember that ages tend to be more accurate the younger the person is. and someone who is 4 on the 1851 census is likely to have been born between around April 1846 and March 1847. Look for the children with the less common names and order the certs with the best fit.


Linda Report 29 Aug 2011 00:43

Thank you everyone, your help is greatly appreciated. I have been very lucky today - someone on Ancestry has the birth cert. of Elizabeth Mary Arnold 1844 and has confirmed MMN as Oliver.
I am now onto my next problem of who are the parents and siblings of John Arnold 1800, there are so many John Arnold's and unfortunately, because this is before registration there isn't a marriage cert.
Still I'm sure eventually I'll get there (hopefully).
Thanks again each and all.