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Jeremiah McCarthy

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J'Mac Report 28 Aug 2011 09:23

Thank you both. I will check these two records out first I think. Some one had pointed these out now when I come to think of it. I suppose it was in front of our noses the whole time, while we were looking too hard! Thanks again.


KathleenBell Report 28 Aug 2011 00:02

There are a couple of deaths for that name in Cardiff born 1892 +/- 2 years:-

Name: MCCARTHY, Jeremiah
Registration District: Cardiff
County: Glamorganshire
Year of Registration: 1942
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
Age at death: 50
Volume No: 11A
Page No: 531


Name: MCCARTHY, Jeremiah
Registration District: Cardiff
County: Glamorganshire
Year of Registration: 1961
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
Age at death: 70
Volume No: 8B
Page No: 94

Kath. x


J'Mac Report 27 Aug 2011 21:17

Thank you. I am not sure if I can put the 1911 info on here, but he is listed as Jeah McCarthy in Pontypridd. His age makes him a year older than what he really was.
Jeremiah McCarthy born in 1892 near Schull in Co. Cork Ireland. He was in Ireland in 1901 and the whole family apart from one boy were missing from the 1911 Irish census. A few people kindly found Jeremiah on the Welsh 1911 census. He was boarding with two older men from the same area of Co. Cork and that area was linked to copper mining. Apparently the copper mine shut around 1910 and locals moved to neighbouring mines and more left on the boats to Wales. Jeremiah and these two men worked in Clifynydd Coal Mines. Some one has said about 50years ago that Jeremiah was working in a coal mine in Cardiff, but he may have passed away by then or may have immigrated.


J'Mac Report 27 Aug 2011 20:56

Hello, I am wondering where we should go next, to find out about a family member that moved to Wales. Members from other genealogy forums have found Jeremiah McCarthy on the 1911 Welsh census for us. There were a lot of men with the same name in Wales. We have checked all of the well known genealogy sites and really at the end of the day, we are not sure if any of the leads are correct or if he may have left for the States or Australia or New Zealand. I have messaged many people on the family tree section and most been extremely helpful, but sadly no leads have arisen. Do you think the only solution is to go ordering certificates from the Registry Office? Thanks.