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Police service records
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Token | Report | 27 Aug 2011 18:44 |
Does anyone have any experience of tracing ancestors through police service records? I'm struggling to pinpoint the dates of birth and death of my great grandfather and great great grandfather (numerous possible census entries but not with the right occupation!) They were both in the Northumbria police and I'm wondering if I can get more information through their service records. Google has not been much help so I don't know if the records would be available or even where to get started! |
lancashireAnn | Report | 27 Aug 2011 18:55 |
Old Lancashire police service records are v detailed. It would be worth contacting to see what they have. You say Northumbria but as that county did not exist in the era which you would want, you might need to work out just where you need to contact. |
Researching: |
Token | Report | 27 Aug 2011 20:00 |
Thats really useful, thanks! |