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Some advice if possible, please?

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Sarah-Jayne Report 27 Aug 2011 10:27

I was wondering if anyone knew if it's possible to obtain photographs from Army regiments from WW1 anywhere?

I know it may sound a little bizarre, but for years now I have been trying to track down my Great-Grandfather "Henry Jesse Cook". When I say track down.....I have all the information on him, but have not seen or been able to track down a photograph of him through any contacts, etc.... I just am really curious to know what he looked like.

It may all sound a little silly, but my Grandmother was just short of her 3rd birthday when he died in France in 1917, so she never knew him. She always was saying to me and other family members that she wish she had known what he had looked like, etc.... So as I mentioned previously, I have been looking and researching for some years now and unfortunately my Grandmother passed away a few years ago, so i'm kind of doing this for her still!

Anyway, now I've finished waffling on....
Henry Jesse Cook was a driver for the Royal Engineers 512th London Field Coy. Born in Paddington in 1886 and died in France November 1917.

If anyone does have any suggestions of places I could try and contact in hope they might have some more information/pictures, then I would be most grateful.

Kind Regards,

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 27 Aug 2011 10:38

You could try the Royal Engineers to see if photo were taken and still survive,

Google for possible sites


SpanishEyes Report 27 Aug 2011 11:24

I found my uncles burial place through the War time Commission
I haven't the details with me but you could Google.
Good luck


Sarah-Jayne Report 27 Aug 2011 11:31

I think my only option now is to try and contact the Royal Engineers directly and see if they can help me further....

I found his details on the war graves commission website and from that found out what regiment he was in, what he did and when and where he died.

Thanks for your advice anyway! :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Aug 2011 11:35

Bridget - do you mean

The photos of graves (or the memorial) might be found here

Sarah-Jayne may already know of the sites, but it is really a photo of her relative that she is after. Still, anything to flesh out the person. ;-)


Sarah-Jayne Report 27 Aug 2011 11:42

LOL, thanks!

I've seen a picture of his younger brother in army uniform and a picture of two of his younger sisters....

Someone somewhere has got a photograph with him in and doesn't know it......probably!!! ;-)