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adding a new tree

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InspectorGreenPen Report 26 Aug 2011 08:20

Unfortunately, no you can't. You can only have one tree per membership. However, you can have several memberships if you wish. These can use your same email address but must have different passwords.

If you log off the current details via the link in the top right hand corner of the site, then go to the register page you will be able to complete the second registration. Once complete you will be able to switch between memberships by logging off and entering the separate log in details each time.

Alternatively, if you use the alternative website domains (using one of the international flags at the bottom) to log into you second account you can have both open at once, without having to log in and out to switch between the two.


Penny Report 26 Aug 2011 07:49

Hi can anyone tell me if i can add a new tree and keep my original one as well, and if so how do i go about it,

regards penny