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What am I doing wrong?
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John | Report | 25 Aug 2011 13:02 |
I am trying to add a mother born 1820 to my family tree.The son was born in 1842.Everytime I press save changes it tells me that the mother must be older than the son which according to my calculations she is.I do'nt remember having this problem before. :-S |
Gai | Report | 25 Aug 2011 13:18 |
Researching: |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 25 Aug 2011 13:42 |
Could it be because you are adding her to him? thought you had to add children to parents? and not the other way round |
grannyfranny | Report | 25 Aug 2011 14:33 |
You can add either way. Try using a different YOB just to see if it works, you can always edit later. Or change son's DOB to see if it works. |
Researching: |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 25 Aug 2011 15:12 |
John/grannyfranny, I haven't added to my tree on GR for the last 7 years now, but i do seem to remember that back then if you had not got an entry for the mother, so you had father with son/daughter and no mother, then you would have to enter wife/mother before child, so it was recommended that if mothers name was not known at the time, before you entered a child to a sole fathers name it was best to enter mothers name as (unknown) you could then add the child and edit the mothers name at a later date. |
InspectorGreenPen | Report | 25 Aug 2011 15:13 |
I've just tested it on my tree with a selection of dates and it seems to work as it should. |
John | Report | 25 Aug 2011 17:28 |
Thanks for all your replies.I've just tried again but to no avail..Ithink I'llSwitch off and try another day. |
John | Report | 26 Aug 2011 10:48 |
I tried again this morning and it worked like a charm :-) |