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Any Ancestry offers on at the moment??

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PriscillaEmilywasMoonbeam Report 22 Aug 2011 16:11

My Ancestry sub expires soon so decided to give them a call to see if there were any discounts. I told them it was too expensive and I may have to cancel and was offered a 25% discount - until they realized I live in Canada and was told they can't discount U.K. subs for Canadian residents. So if you are in the U.K. then give it a try.


*stinkermurdock* Report 22 Aug 2011 15:58

Thanks so much Detective, I think I might just give it a go :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Aug 2011 23:43

Although most people would extol the virtue of FTM as a programme + the Ancestry access, you could buy it but not install.

Alternatively, you might be able to get a discount via the National Trust

Scroll to the bottom and wait until the adverts cycle themselves - the one for Ancestry in on the right.

Have you thought of phoning them? Tell them that although you'd love to continue, you can't afford it. Ask what discount they can offer you. I got 25% off this year, although I'm not sure if it would work next renewal time.
0800 404 9723


*stinkermurdock* Report 21 Aug 2011 20:50

It's been ages since I have been on gr and all the boards have changed so I am hoping that I have posted this question on the right board.

My Ancestry sub recently expired and I wondered if anyone knew of any current offers that are available for either uk or com.

I know sometimes you get a 6 mth sub through family tree maker programme but I am reluctant to upgrade my software again lol.

So if anyone knows of any offers I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance
Tracie. :-)