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Settlement Order

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Sheila Report 19 Aug 2011 16:15

I have a Settlement Order dated 29.11.1787 for an Ancestor who was b.1761 in the parish of Sheldon.
The settlement states that at the time of his birth his father was living there under Cerificate from another parish.
Does this mean that the father would have been born in this other parish?
Both parishes are in Warwickshire but several miles apart

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 19 Aug 2011 18:04

It would mean that the 'certificate' parish were accepting liability should he become chargable to the parish in which he was living.

In other words. The parish in which he had the right of settlement had agreed to pay for him if he needed parish relief while living elsewhere...That was the certificate.

It is likely that the father was born in the other parish but he could have gained right of settlement there by other means.

I hope that makes sense!


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 19 Aug 2011 18:08

Explanation of Poor Law including Certificates



Sheila Report 19 Aug 2011 19:05


Thank you for your reply. I generally understand about the Poor Law.

My reason for this query is that other people researching this family have placed the father's in Leicestershire which I think is incorrect.
