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GR Members near Greenock

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Christopher Report 18 Aug 2011 21:44


Long shot.............

I am looking for a family history group near Greenock - any GR members live that way

Reason is that i need to get my Ma to attend one in order that she may meet some people who may have some knowledge about the site and how it works

I live away and getting her to learn/understand GR remotely is proving problematic.


Flick Report 18 Aug 2011 21:51

You obviously haven't tried googling!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 18 Aug 2011 22:05

What is it that your mother wants to know?

When I started out mastering the computer ( well, in a fashion ) I found it too daunting to take in too much at once. There seemed so much to learn, but what worked for me was a 'Need to know' approach.
As I came across a process or way of searching, etc. I just mastered that particular aspect and then as need arose, so I'd tackle something else.

I'm not sure how a family history meeting would help unless someone was prepared to frequently sit with your mother showing her how to manage.



Christopher Report 18 Aug 2011 22:27

To be honest - i am looking for someone she could visit or visa versa.........


GlitterBaby Report 18 Aug 2011 22:29

Check out as she might be able to get a free beginners computer course.

I used to work for a training company that offered these type of free courses, through Myguide, and we used to find out the persons interest and used that to teach them. Did once have someone interested in family history so I always took over the sessions and used my passwords to site to show them what was available and how to use the sites.

You might get lucky