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1921 Census

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Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 13 Aug 2011 13:52

Yes, Joy , you hit the nail on the head!! :-)

Gwyn - it turned out, after the previous thread discussion (the one which I cannot find) that the book seen in the programme was a book such as Joy has mentioned. I can't quite remember how we found out - whether as a result of someone's phone call to Frazer & Frazer, or my e.mail to the National Statistics Office.

However, the reply I received from my enquiry to AGRA (ref: the possibilty of that 1921 Census book, or any 1921 info, being currently available to professional researchers) confirms that it is NOT available - not now, and may not be in the future....
..."there is no access to the 1921 census whatsoever. The following statement was issued by the ICO a while ago, which sort of implies that it may not be released in 2022.
The ruling by the Information Commissioner that resulted in the 1911 census being opened early does not apply to the 1921 census because, unlike the 1911 census, the 1921 census was conducted under the 1920 Census Act, which is still in force and which contains a statutory prohibition on disclosure.
The current position appears to be that as the 1920 Census Act prohibits publication of the data, it is unclear when it will be made available, even under the 100 year rule that was applied to the 1901 census...."



SylviaInCanada Report 13 Aug 2011 00:26

except it fills up the bookshelf, and makes unwary people think they have access to records not available to other people :-D

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Aug 2011 19:20

Thank you for the link Joy.
I will have a good browse of what can be found, but it seems a strange aquisition for them and of limited use......



Joy Report 12 Aug 2011 18:40

No idea, Gwyn. I am wary of such organisations :-) It is a big business competing with other similar organisations.

The book referred to may have been something like this in here
Preliminary Report including tables of the Population enumerated in England and Wales (Administrative and Parliamentary Areas) and in Scotland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands on 19/20th June, 1921, together with the population recently enumerated of certain other parts of the British Empire

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Aug 2011 18:35

Thanks Karen.

I can understand statistics being available earlier than personal records, but can't think that such information would be of much help to Heir Hunters..... so why have it there ?



Joy Report 12 Aug 2011 18:20

It is not possible to purchase it. Heir Hunters and the 1921 census has been raised on other forums / mailing lists, I find by searching :)

My supposition is that it was information about the census and, perhaps, certain statistics.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Aug 2011 18:13

Thanks Pam and Joan,

As it was just the size of a normal hard-back book, I realise it couldn't contain much information, but was surprised to see it there on the shelf.

Rather a strange reply to your question to them Joan !!

Thanks Karen..... I don't remember that thread, so it will be interesting to read.



Pam Report 12 Aug 2011 18:03

Yes there was a copy of the 1921 on the shelf in Heir Hunters but my guess is that they have had to purchase it. Officially the 1921 shouldn't be available until 2021.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Aug 2011 17:53

What information has been released, ...if any...of the 1921 census.?
I thought it hadn't been released and was closed to us for several years yet, but am fairly sure that when watching the heir hunters researching on today's programme there was a book on the shelf with 1921 census written on the spine.
