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Rosalinda Report 12 Aug 2011 09:41

Please could someone tell me if you can look at other peoples trees on Ancestry and how you do this.
I have done a search for some people but it says there are no results but I knwo there must be.


InspectorGreenPen Report 12 Aug 2011 10:08

Rather than use the general search page go direct to Search Trees.

Here is the url that I use.

A good tip which applies to all genealogy searches is not to put too much information in - they don't work the same as Google. If you put too much in and just one piece of info is incorrect you get nothing back. Better to start with what you are certain about and then narrow down the search if you get too many results.

Don't forget that Ancestry has a very good wildcard search too using * and ?

So, seaching for Bag*o* with get you Bagod, Baggod, Bagot, Bagott, Baggott - all common variations of the same name.