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LDS mormon micro fiche films
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Huia | Report | 8 Aug 2011 22:05 |
Many years ago when I looked at some Parish records for baptisms I found the the actual date of birth was written in the margin, which was very helpful. I had already sent for one b.cert for what I hoped was my gt grandfather, but it wasnt, and the parish records meant that I didnt have to waste money on sending for another incorrect one. I also found the baptisms (with b. dates included) for his 4 younger siblings, although 3 of them named the father incorrectly. The Dean or whoever wrote them in must have had a senior moment and mixed father and oldest son up. |
Researching: |
GinaS | Report | 8 Aug 2011 17:00 |
Thanks Kathleen, will ring. |
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KathleenBell | Report | 8 Aug 2011 15:14 |
All of the Microfiche films I used to look at when I went to an LDS Family History Centre were films of the original parish registers. (This was about 7 or 8 years ago). |
GinaS | Report | 8 Aug 2011 14:59 |
The birth I am looking for - the person was born in India, I was wondering also would the extra records be transcribed or photocopied from the original christening records. |
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Potty | Report | 8 Aug 2011 14:52 |
The films may have extra info, assuming they are films of the original parish registers. |
KathleenBell | Report | 8 Aug 2011 13:56 |
You wouldn't get anything extra to what is on a birth, marriage or death certificate (except that you would get baptisms and burials). However you would get these baptism, marriage and death records from parish records before 1837 when registration began. |
GinaS | Report | 8 Aug 2011 13:40 |
I would like to know what extra information can be had from these films, over and above what would be on a English BMD certificate. |
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