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Registration of births

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Phyll Report 9 Aug 2011 19:55

Bless your kind heart for spending so long looking for this family. I didn't mean for that to happen.

I found a marriage for Fred and Jackson on IGI and I suppose took it for granted that this was correct. Maybe I have made a right pig's ear of all this.

The marriage for Fredk Peters to Bishop is on Ancestry but not until 1920! He states he is 58 and a Widower. Re William marrying a Mary, this was given to me by another Ancestry member but no proof available, so again I am not sure we are talking the same family of Peters.
Please don't waste your time on this as I am sure you have your own tree to do. Many thanks for what you have done already


ChristinaS Report 9 Aug 2011 12:38

Hi Phyll,

I've spent some time looking at this family, but can't find even as much as you already have. I agree with you that Frederick's father was probably William, as that Frederick has siblings Louis and Alice.

I imagine poor father William was injured at work, so was no longer up to being an Ag.Lab. Therefore, he tried his hand at bootmaking and then gardening.

I see that Louis Peters b. 1864 and sister Phyllis Kezia Peters b. 1853 (nice easy name to follow) were both registered at birth, so it seems likely that they registered all their other children too. So, as you mentioned, it would make sense to order one of their birth certificates to find out the mother's name.

Both these children are on being baptised in Findon. I guess the others were baptised elsewhere. It looks like they also have sister Alice being baptised 1856 at Patching.

I can't find marriages though for Frederick Peters, to either Bishop or Jackson. I see from the 1891 census that wife Mary A. was born in Ireland. Can you please let me know where you found them.

Also can't find a marriage for father William Peters marrying a Mary. They didn't make things easy for you did they.



Phyll Report 8 Aug 2011 15:32

Hi Christina
My Frederick Peters did have the children you have named. I sent for the birth certificate I found for 1860 but his father was Frederick. To explain more fully, I started with May Peters aged 4 in 1901. Her birth mother was Sarah Elizabeth Bishop. I sent for the birth of Louis, his mother was a Mary Ann Jackson, making them half-siblings. I then found the marriage of Frederick to Jackson and Fred's father is shown as William (a boot maker). If the marriage I found for Fred and Bishop is correct, his father is shown as a Gardener (deceased). I am trying to find who was Frederick's Mother. If you can check this out for me I would be most grateful


ChristinaS Report 8 Aug 2011 13:06

Hi Phyll,

As your Frederick Peters is a gardener on the 1901 census, do you not think he could have been the son of Harry Peters - who was also a gardener, on the 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses. He had sons Frederick and William?

This Frederick Peters is on familysearch baptisms - 1860 Portslade. And is probably one of the births registered there in 1860. What makes you think you have the wrong one?

Or was your Frederick Peters not the one who had children Frederick, Louis, William and May?


Phyll Report 8 Aug 2011 12:22

Dear Shirley & PigletsPal
I have no baptism record for my man. The census says born abt. 1860 on one and abt 1862 on another. Someone has the marriage date of his parents but it has not been confirmed with certificates. There are so many with the same name and place of birth. I am going to get what I think is his brother's birth cert to confirm parents. If this is wrong then I'm afraid I've had it for now. Thanks for your help.
One other thing on the 1881 census it states that my man's father is an invalid but 4/5 years later on a marriage cert it says he is a bootmaker, having been an Ag. Lab on all previous census. Any ideas.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 8 Aug 2011 11:07

Cant you find the person on any census with parents. other than that a marriage cert should name the father .if known.


Phyll Report 8 Aug 2011 10:13

Thank you Porkie Pie and KenSE. Apologies for delay in replying.
I have posted questions regarding this person any times but although I have had some help I still can't find a birth registration for him. Will keep trying to get more info.
Best wishes


Kense Report 7 Aug 2011 14:39

Is it possible they weren't named at the time of registration? There are often entries in the index that are just identified as male or female and the surname.

Another possibility is that the name they were registered under was not the name they were known by for the rest of their life.

If you know where they were born then the baptisms in the local parish register may be the place to look.



Porkie_Pie Report 7 Aug 2011 14:34

Why don't you post some details so other members can help



Phyll Report 7 Aug 2011 14:26

Thanks Andy. Guess that's my tree stuffed


Andrew Report 7 Aug 2011 14:11

Yes it is possible. Births were supposed to be registered, but there was no legal penalty until 1875, so some people didn't bother.



Phyll Report 7 Aug 2011 14:06

Is it possible that a child wasn't registered in 1860 please. I can't find a birth certificate for my person. Have had 2 wrong ones.
Thank you