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railway records

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Sally Report 3 Aug 2011 20:55

does anyone know of new records on line of comepleat record of every rail worker including allmedals that thy received

my grandad had a medal which i have found very little info

any help welcomed

sally w

edit it was talked about on the today programe by tony robinson


Patricia Report 3 Aug 2011 22:20

A lot of records were destroyed when British Rail ceased to exist, Railtrack began computerising them and even my own British Rail records disappeared. I only found out after I was asked which areas I signed as competent [ie able to work] the records didn't show any. The fact I was working them didn't seem to register!

I suppose it would depend on how far back you want to know about, as it may be earlier than BR which was formed in 1947


MR_MAGOO Report 3 Aug 2011 22:24

This is from Ancestry.


About UK, Railway Employment Records, 1833-1963

This database includes indexed images of employment-related records from a number of historic railway companies in England, Scotland, and Wales.

What is included?

All of the railways included in this database were once private companies that later came under authority of the British Transport Commission with the 1947 Transport Act. The collection features selected records from the following companies:
•RAIL226: Great Central Railway Company
•RAIL264: Great Western Railway Company
•RAIL397: London and North Eastern Railway Company
•RAIL410: London and North Western Railway Company
•RAIL411: London and South Western Railway Company
•RAIL414: London, Brighton and South Coast Railway
•RAIL415: London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company (formerly the East Kent Railway)
•RAIL426: London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company
•RAIL463: Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company
•RAIL491: Midland Railway Company
•RAIL1156: Special Collections: Retired Railway Officers' Society

Approximately 50% of the books cover the Great Western Railway, while the books covering the London and North Western Railway are more dense with records. Most records are prior to 1949, though some date later.


Andrew Report 3 Aug 2011 22:27

There seem to be different records for the different railway companies. I have found details of my wifes grandfather salaryand sttions from 1915-27, but nothing after that. Another relative just has stations and no other records.



Sally Report 3 Aug 2011 22:50

thankyou for the inf
my grandad worked on lms railway in the 1890 to1910 when he died out of cricklewood london i have been trying to find info about the medal( which ihave ) for several years includin warwick univesity

so perhaps iwill now fingers crossed

thankyou so much

sally w :-)