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Joan Allan Passed away

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Netty Report 3 Aug 2011 00:12

Joan Allan was an inspiration to Genes. She helped so many with there trees and Adopted children finding there real parents, also parents looking for the children they gave up. She reunited so many people. She inspired me and many others and my heart goes out to John her husband and family.

Love Netty:))))

As respect to Joan please donate to her charity or leave a message.

Message from John her husband :-
I'm sorry to say that Joan passed away, in her sleep, on Saturday. She was very peaceful, which is a relief after the last few difficult months.
Her funeral will be at 11.30am next Tuesday (9th) at Westerleigh Crematorium, near Bristol. We're requesting that donations be made in lieu of floral tributes, to Cancer Research UK. Contributions can be made at the funeral, by post to the funeral director, indicating it is in respect of Joan (T B & H Pendock, The Poplars, Bristol Road, Bristol BS16 1RD) or online at


Netty Report 3 Aug 2011 00:52

nudge up


Libby Report 3 Aug 2011 01:29

Oh. how sad.

Joan was a wonderful, careing lady. Within 24 hours of my husband posting on an Adoption search site she had contacted him and put him in contact with his birth famly who had also been searching for him. Joan kept in touch, verbally holding his hand at this emotional time.

A true Lady.

My thoughts are with her family and friends at this sad time.

Thank you Netty for letting us know


Netty Report 3 Aug 2011 01:37

Thanks Libby

As you said ...................A true Lady.


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 3 Aug 2011 06:06

I am so sorry to see this. I used to see her caring posts and how many people she helped to reunite with their families.

My condolences to her family


Joy Report 3 Aug 2011 08:27

Oh that is so sad. She helped so many and seemed a lovely lady.

My sympathies to Joan's family.


Jonesey Report 3 Aug 2011 09:36

Although I did not know the lady personally it is always sad to learn that a valued member of the GR community has passed away. Her area of expertise, adoption, probably being one of the most difficult to research.

My condolences to her family and friends.


Geraldine Report 3 Aug 2011 13:07

I'm very sad to read of Joan passing away. Joan was wonderful to me and helped me enormously with searches. She was a terrible night owl and no matter when I emailed her she'd be up. I once chatted on the phone to her for an hour (from Australia) it must have been 5am her time and she hadn't been to bed... she didn't mind as she was always up for a chat

Joan was a lovely lady and she will be missed by many.

RIP Joan.

My Sincere Condolences to her family.

Gerry xx


Ryan Report 3 Aug 2011 13:26

I am so sorry sorry to hear this terrible news.

I did not know Joan personally, but it is very sad to hear a lovely member of Genes Reunited, who has helped so many, has passed away.

Rest in Peace; my condolences go out to John and her family.



Netty Report 3 Aug 2011 19:21

Nudge up


Netty Report 3 Aug 2011 22:43

the following message is from Debby Wilson.

I had the pleasure of working with Joan in our searching for 11 years before she was taken from us on Saturday. Although I work full time during the day in the paying job, I didn't have the time to have the presence on the genes site like Joan (nobody could stay awake as long as Joan could!) We kept BT in business on the phone for hours at a time discussing and going over searches, Bob Hoskins did say it was good to talk! Joan and I started out as searching buddies and forged a solid friendship over the years. She was a loyal and true friend and will be so missed. I often used to have to call Joan when I had forgotten my password to the sites, and lo and behold I couldn't call her tonight to ask for my log in details for Genes. She will be up there having a good laugh at me thats for sure. Thanks Netty for putting this message on for me.

I know that Joans work down here may be done but for those of you that knew her you will have a little smile when you picture her up stairs starting to sort out who needs reuniting with who and getting to work. She is in the right place now, up there with the angels and the stars, she was both.

I had the good fortune to visit joan for the last time just a week before she passed, and true to form she was sat in her bed ordering her dear hubby to fetch her an adoption file that she wanted to go over with me! To the end she was still trying to help others.

My heart goes out to her family, Joan had a big heart and a big character and has touched so many people in such a wonderful way. I will miss her so much, but I really hope she will look down on me and continue to be my inspiration.
love you lots Joan, am glad you are at rest now,
nite nite my friend

Debby & Family
xx <3

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 3 Aug 2011 23:10

Joan was always willing to help others 24 hours a day. She was often up in the early morning trying to track down relatives for people.

I had the pleasure of assisting her with some US searches. Sometime later, someone posted a thread on GR in my old username and she immediately phoned me to see if she could return the favour. We both laughed at the confusion. That was Joan, always going that extra mile to help people.

I remember her listing her phone number on her threads and I used to chuckle when she'd receive reprimands for it. She wanted her number out there so people would call her.



Netty Report 3 Aug 2011 23:48

Dearest Debs partner to our Joan

What a tribute, Joan would be saying..........What a great partner you are and all that you meant to her.......As I now Joan often talked abou you.

I know tthat Joan has gone, but i will always be here for you, whether its a friend or helping you research and keep Joan's inspiration going on and on.



Netty Report 4 Aug 2011 01:10

If anyone needs the address to send a sypathy card, then contact me personaly. ttfn Netty:(((


Netty Report 5 Aug 2011 00:10

nudge up


Cheshiremaid Report 5 Aug 2011 02:28

My sincere condolences to Joan's family...she will be so sadly missed by all.

Likewise Rose...I also remember the reprimands only too well I would think to myself...if only you knew!! I didn't know Joan personally but I knew of her wonderful work.

Rest in peace Joan.
