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Nellie Clark

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Chrissy Report 31 Jul 2011 09:22

I am trying to trace my father's mother. Her name was Nellie Cark and she gave birth to my father James Henry Clark (no father listed on BC). He was born in 1926 at 4 Kings Road St. Pancras. Nellie also worked at 7 Shepherdess Walk, Shoreditch, at the William IV, as a barmaid.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Jul 2011 10:24

Did she ever marry? The MC ought to give the name of her father. Do you have any idea how old she was when she gave birth?

As your father was named James and Henry, those might give a clue for the names of either her father or brothers, or even your grandfather.

BTW - you double posted your opening post - could you please delete the other one?

Edit - dup thread deleted. Thank you :-D :-D


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Jul 2011 10:39

Go to

Search births Clark, Nellie
Jan 1900 - Dec 1910
County Middlesex

There are a number of results. You could probably discount the ones with a 2nd name and the births registered in Edmonton, Fulham, Brentford and Hampstead.

Births Mar 1900 (>99%)
Clark Nellie Pancras 1b 50

Births Dec 1900 (>99%)
Clark Nellie Pancras 1b 81

But the problem is that she could have been older/younger, or not born in the area. OR she did have a middle name and didn't give it. Nellie is also a diminutive for other names such as Ellen, Eleanor

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 31 Jul 2011 12:43

Was your father raised by his mother?
Do you know when she died?
If it was after 1969, her birthplace and date of birth should appear on her death certificate.



RStar Report 31 Jul 2011 14:34

Did the courts make any application for maintenance from the absent father, you could search this. It isnt a recent thing; parishes were responsible for paying out poor law money to single mums (if they werent from wealthy families etc) so often a court hearing was held trying to get the runaway dad to cough up or marry the woman.
URGENT EDIT: I read the date wrong sorry, thought it was 1800s not 1900s! Still, it may be a possibility.


Chrissy Report 31 Jul 2011 15:51

My father was also taken to Dr.Barnardo's at an early age 3/4, somewhere in London. I did contact them, however they had no record of him at any of their homes.


RStar Report 31 Jul 2011 16:20

If it was for an overnight stay or a couple of nights he might not be on the records. I have that with a little boy who was in Dr Hudsons home, two nights because of family emergency then he went to a relative. He was later adopted.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Jul 2011 20:56

Have a read of this thread

Someone was also looking for Barnardos records which couldn't be found. There are some interesting suggestions made.