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Burial Place

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Staffslass Report 30 Jul 2011 16:53


Is there anywhere online I can get access to the Electoral Rolls online or would I have to go to a records office and if so would it be the nearest one to where the person lived or any in the same county.

Thank you



KathleenBell Report 30 Jul 2011 17:04

The electoral rolls are usually kept at the library nearest to the address and at the relevant County Record Offices. They can only be searched by address and not by name.

There wouldn't be many people on the electoral rolls in the 1920's - certainly not many women at that time - perhaps a few more in the 1930's.

There are no electoral rolls online from this date.

Kath. x


Staffslass Report 4 Aug 2011 19:00

Rather than start a new thread I thought I would continue on this one as the people are connected.

I have checked the Electoral Roll and it was taken after the death of the person I was looking for but his widow is living in the same street.

I now want to find his burial place. I have rang the local councils and he is not in one of the council run graveyards, I have looked online to see if I can see his or his first wifes name in case he is with her I also rang the council where she died as it was a different one to him. I have also contacted the local history society and they do have some records but they do charge unless I go myself to look.

The death dates are 1st wife 1892, him 1930. Does anyone have any ideas how I can find it, or if I can, without going round all the churches with graveyards in the areas they died. I would rather look round the graveyards because if I find it I would like to photograph it.

Many thanks for any ideas.



NicolaDunbyNocula Report 4 Aug 2011 19:44

have you tried searching on the LDS website?

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 5 Aug 2011 00:36

Is he buried with first wife?

It seems strange to us, but I found a relative buried with his 1st wife, even though as a widower he had later remarried and his 2nd wife was alive when he died.



Staffslass Report 5 Aug 2011 08:44

Amokavid, Yes I do have is death certificate and I have spoken to the council for the nearest cemetery, or rather the nearest one that was open when he died, they have been really helpful even telling me the dates the others opened so I could rule them out. Shame all councils aren't so helpful.

Gwyn, I am not sure where his first wife was buried either, maybe I should just say they were Roman Catholic and there is only one Catholic Church in the whole area that has an attached graveyard and I am just waiting for the Father from that Church to get back to me, also I have to ring the other two cemeteries to see if they were open when she died, otherwise I am going to have to do some research and see which CofE churches there are locally.

NDN, I had a look on that site and although I couldn't find a burial for him or his first wife I did find a Baptism for two of his children and although I have just said they were Roman Catholic their middle name on the Baptism records are Hebrew.



Staffslass Report 5 Aug 2011 09:51

I do have the advantage of living in the same county and although the borders changed the Records Office I use might have the burial records I need so I will ring them, it is just trying to find the time to get there as I look after my granddaughter while her mum is at work, then I have my own work to do so I try to do as much as possible online.



Janet Report 5 Aug 2011 11:38

Staffslass-If I were looking for a burial as late as 1930 I would start by looking at the funeral arrangements, normally printed in the local paper. In those days they printed the address of the deceased, usually the next of kin, and where the funeral/burial was going to take place. Whilst there are all sorts of ways of finding the information this is an interesting but I think, quicker way of sorting..give the library a ring, ..just a thought- jl


Staffslass Report 5 Aug 2011 12:21

I will give the library a ring, thank you.
