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1911 census availability

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Susan Report 27 Jul 2011 05:34

Hi Everyone
This is the answer I got from Ancestry when enquiring about when they intend to give us the 1911 census with our membership .

It sounds like the real thing is on it way. Suex

We appreciate your message.

This is the first stage in our 1911 Census release. We've made all the scanned records available straight away, so you can benefit from them wherever your forebears were based.

At present, you can't search the records like our other censuses. Instead, you need to use other resources, such as the 1911 Summary Books and 1901 Census, to work out where your family were living, then browse the new census records by county and district. Find out how to do this -

We've already started transcribing the records so we can make them fully searchable as quickly as possible. We'll keep you updated on our progress and give you further release dates are soon as we can. For updated information about this and other records please refer to our blog

I am a member of the Research team and would love to assist you in finding someone in the 1911 Census if you wouldn't mind providing me with as much information about the person you are looking for that you have.

If there is anything else with which we might assist you, please let us know.

Member Solutions :-D


PricklyHolly Report 27 Jul 2011 07:41

At what extra cost i wonder?


Kense Report 27 Jul 2011 07:55

They don't usually increase charges when they add new data.


InspectorGreenPen Report 27 Jul 2011 09:40

Ancestry has previously announced that the full transcriptions would be available to all subscribers who have access to the UK Census Collection