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Moving my tree!

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DebifromLeeds Report 26 Jul 2011 22:08

Done it!

Thanks to all.x


DebifromLeeds Report 26 Jul 2011 20:36

Thank you PP.

I will try and do my tree shortly.

Question...could GR not redirect parish records for an extra charge? Then everyone would be happy.

Debi ;-)


DebifromLeeds Report 26 Jul 2011 19:08

But I would be willing to pay more!

I wouldnt expect to pay the same for 5 apples as I would for 15!?!

I personally have never had any problems accessing any records on GR, but its not a site for long term research, when you need to access parish records, you have to go elsewhere.
Just think Gr should should plug this gap and stop users going and demand...George!


George_of_Westbury Report 26 Jul 2011 18:07

"Why doesnt GR have Parish records????????????????????????????"
well if they did you would be paying a lot more money than you do now
If GR had them i doubt it would make life easier, judging by the difficulty accessing other records they have

Thats why we pay £100-00 to £150-00 or so subscription to Ancestry/ FMP, to get access to all these sort of records.



DebifromLeeds Report 26 Jul 2011 17:02

Done! Didnt even realize it had posted twice!
So, if I do the gedcom thing, my tree will stay as it already is on GR...untouched in all areas? and will move to Ancestry, without photos? and thats it?
Just sounds too easy!
Loving the West Yorkshire Parish records on Ancestry, got back another generation. Just wish GR had them, as it would make life much easier.

Why doesnt GR have Parish records????????????????????????????

Thanks to


Kense Report 26 Jul 2011 14:27

It works as PigletsPal says. The tree you have on Genes remains here and is not affected by making a Gedcom file.

The main problem is then that you have two trees to maintain unless you make one the master and in future create gedcoms from that site and upload them to the other.


DebifromLeeds Report 26 Jul 2011 13:50

Hi all,

My tree is currently on GR and I would like it remain on here. I recently signed up for a 2 weeks free trial on Ancestry. I would like to put my tree on there too, but am unsure if I try the gedcom thing, that I will lose my tree on GR, It also says I will lose my photos and the map positions that I have plotted. I dont want this to happen, but I also dont want to have to input over 200 names and details again on Ancestry. Is there a way round this? I find GR more user friendly and the boards are fab, but Ancestry have far more records and I REALLY need the new West Yorkshire Parish Records that are now available.

Any advice would be great!

