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Hospital records?

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Bobtanian Report 28 Jul 2011 11:56

Maggie, I too was unlucky with MY early records if I had applied a few yerars earlier, they MIGHT have been available but as it was, they had ( so they said) been discarded......



maggiewinchester Report 27 Jul 2011 00:27

I have been unable to get my OWN medical records!
I lived in Scotland from the age of 4 until I was 7, then as an adult from the age of 20 until I was 23.
My doctor only has my records from when I moved to England - to be more precise, when I had my first child, aged 24.
I was incarcerated in a sanitorium in Scotland for 3 months between the age of 4 and 6. I know the Sanitorium (now closed down), and applied to the health authority for my own records - which they couldn't find!!


*Alison* Report 26 Jul 2011 13:00

Thanks for the info Colin,
Sorry for only just getting back to you, i have been out all morning!

patchem, i did think about getting her birth cert, but was just wondering if the records were available anywhere first, but it would be interesting to see what she died from so i'll have to get it.

Thanks again for the help.



patchem Report 26 Jul 2011 06:52

You could apply for her death certificate to see who the informant was, and what was the cause of death.


*Alison* Report 25 Jul 2011 22:12

I have just found an ancestor on the 1911 census, and she is a patient in a Hospital in Pendleton/Salford. Aged 21.
I then found a death for her in 1919 in Prestwich. Aged 30
Just wondering if there is anyway i can find out why she was there?
Where she died, Prestwich, i know there used to be a Hospital there for people with mental issues.

