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poppycat Report 20 Jul 2011 01:58

Once again i'm pondering over whether to subscribe to Ancestry or FMP.

The only worrying thing to me is with Ancestry that they can help themselves to your Account on Renewal.
unlike Genes they will contact you when your Sub is near, to give you the opportunity to renew or not.

With Ancestry, am i wrong on the above, or do they send you an email to renew or cease.
How do i alert them, if i decide not to renew?

With the 14 day Free Trial.........are all the Records available or just the UK do i alert them if i want to continue to Subscribe.

Please advise!


AmazingGrace08 Report 20 Jul 2011 06:48

They can either do both I have found to my cost...

Sometimes I have received an email advising taht it was due to expire, then another time they debited my account and sent it into teh negative which meant I had to pay inetrest etc.

I can't comment on the other info as I take out monthly subscriptions to either world wide or UK packages depending upon what I am looking at, at the time.

I do have to say that I find the customer service offered at both sites a bit haphazard..they do rply eventually and it is always a standard response..this actually put me off FMP for a long time.

Best of luck with your decision!


Jonesey Report 20 Jul 2011 07:35

I have been an Ancestry member since 2008. They have always sent me an email one month before my subscription is due to expire advising me that my subscription will be automatically renewed on the appropriate date unless I advise them to cancel my membership before then. They give the telephone number 0800 404 9723 on which to contact them.

Regarding the 14 day free trial. When you sign up for that you have to give them your card details but no payment is taken until the end of the 14 day "Free" period. If you do not wish to proceed with membership you must contact them before the end of the 14 days to advise them of that fact.

I am not sure what records you will be able to access during the "Free" trial period so I can only suggest giving them a call on the above number (Which is toll free) to enquire.


AnninGlos Report 20 Jul 2011 16:51

One year I had an e mail from Ancestry another year I didn't they just took the money. FMP were very good when I didn't want to renew, I had no problem with them at all.


Chrissie2394 Report 20 Jul 2011 17:37

Ancestry also notified me before taking the following years subscription. With FMP, they notified me my subscription the 1911 census was due shortly but they took the money a couple of days before it was due, I have now unticked the box for automatic renewal.
