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FTM 2010 - Is a partial gedcom possible?

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Joy Report 18 Jul 2011 18:57

Yes, it is possible to do this in all family tree programmes. :)


InspectorGreenPen Report 18 Jul 2011 18:07


Splitting files is a slightly different issue. The aim of splitting is to create two completely separate databases out of one, retaining all the names in either one or the other.

Exporting selected names is a 'one off' and can be repeated as often as you wish with as many, or as few, different name selections as you choose.

However, some of the actions required will inevitably, be similar.


Christine Report 18 Jul 2011 18:00

Hello Moonbeam

I did try Inspector Greenpen's suggestion, and you are quite right, it is the same method shown in your link, up to, but not including point 4 - I did not get anything beyond that.

I was successful, I think, in creating a separate file, and attached it to an email to my brother. However, I don't think he has seen it yet, and I have been unable to open it on my computer - all I get is the FTM connection endlessly trying to open.

I shall try again and see what happens. Many thanks to you both.


PriscillaEmilywasMoonbeam Report 18 Jul 2011 17:38

Here's an article from FTM describing how to export or split a file in FTM 2008-2011.

I printed this out some time ago and just happened to come across it a couple of days ago. I haven't had to use it yet but it does look similar to what InspectorGreenPen described.



Christine Report 18 Jul 2011 11:22

Thanks Inspector Green Pen - a clear and concise answer, as always! I shall have a cup of coffee to fortify me, and give it a go.


InspectorGreenPen Report 18 Jul 2011 11:19

In theory I would say yes, but without a copy of the particular program in front of me I can not be certain, nor detail the exact procedure.

Have a look under File, Export and explore the options for selecting what it is you wish to export.


AuntySherlock Report 18 Jul 2011 10:56

Hi IGP. Is it possible to use your process to move part of a tree from any program which allows a Gedcom to be created.

I notice you are talking about FTM. Is the method restricted to that program.



InspectorGreenPen Report 18 Jul 2011 10:37

I believe that earlier versions of FTM allowed you create a gedcom containing the names in a report that you have created, but this feature doesn't seem to be available in FTM 2010/2011, as far as I can see.

However it is still possible to but the process is just that bit more tedious.

Select File, Export then click on the Select Individuals.

This will open a new window from where you can select the names you wish to include.

You can either enter all the names one by one, or select a key person, such as an ancestor and then select all the descendants for that person. Alternativly you could select all the ancestrors for a particular individual.

Continue the process until you have selected all the names you wish to export. Click OK then select your output format and the items of data you wish to include. Click OK add file name and destination and away you go.


Christine Report 18 Jul 2011 09:12

I have my full tree, combined with that of my husband on FTM 2010. What I would like to do, is send a gedcom of one particular branch to my brother.
I can select the branch I want and print just that part of the tree, but I would like to send it to him in a form that he can upload.

Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so, how?