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searching The Census by address

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lesleymargaret Report 16 Jul 2011 22:05

Hi everyone,

I have now found a relative in the 1911 census living at "The Chantry" Mere, Wiltshire, it appears to be a small school. Can I search the other Census using this address as I would like to know how long it has been one, I belong to "The 1911 Census" and Ancestry.

The girl concerned was Rosalind Dodd whose mother died in 1903 and children were sent all over the country and to Canada as Home Children, I wondered who would have been paying for her to be at school while 17.




GlitterBaby Report 16 Jul 2011 22:21

Jonesey has a lot of threads that are useful to members and this is one about searching census by address

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 16 Jul 2011 22:32

they may have started the school after 1901 this is the Principal of The Chantry in 1901

MCLAUGHLIN, May Head Single F 37 1864 Music Teacher
Lancashire VIEW
PRIESTLEY, Ella Visitor Single F 36 1865 Private Teacher
Natal VIEW
PRIESTLEY, Caroline Visitor Single F 33 1868 House Keeper
Yorkshire VIEW


RG number:
RG13 Piece:
3406 Folio:
144 Page:

Registration District:
Birkenhead Sub District:
Wallasey Enumeration District:
41 Ecclesiastical Parish:
Wallasey St Hilary

Civil Parish:
Wallasey Municipal Borough:
Oriel, St Georges Road, Wallasey County:


Choccy Report 16 Jul 2011 22:33

In 1901 'The Chantry' is unoccupied -

1901 Census
RG13 piece 1963 folio 102 page 8


lesleymargaret Report 17 Jul 2011 02:58

Hi everyone,

thanks so much for all the information, it seems that the school was only started after the 1901 Census, its strange how she came to be there and who was paying for her (the head does not seem to have been weathly enough to fund it herself), I do notice that in 1881 the wife and servant both came from Enfield (where Rosalind was born) but that is probably just coincidence, I was hoping the 1901 Census would help. I have been in touch with Mere Museum and they are trying to find out about the school at the moment there doesn't seem to be much on it.

Thanks again



Andysmum Report 17 Jul 2011 16:16

Mere - The Chantry School, Mere
This was the earliest school in Mere and probably began shortly after 1424 when Chantry house was first built. The house and land was provided for three chantry priests who would have taught some local boys. It is not known when the school ended but it could not have continued after 1540.

It obviously re-opened at some stage!!!


School Photos/Plans
The Chantry School, Mere

Image Date: 2003
Image Details: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, Chippenham

Sorry, the photo didn't copy!