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Searching Trees on Ancestry
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
MarilynB | Report | 16 Jul 2011 14:04 |
Please does anyone know if there is any way of searching for a certain persons tree on Ancestry, if you know who`s tree it is rather than who is actually on the tree. |
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PricklyHolly | Report | 16 Jul 2011 14:57 |
I don't really know the answer to this.............and i don't know if this is helpful..........but, if you click on "Community" and then "Members Directory"......... |
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MarilynB | Report | 16 Jul 2011 15:15 |
Thanks, its just that I uploaded a new tree to Ancestry and this person was one of the contacts who could view my original so I sent him a message to allow him to view my new one. I have had messages from him and it was mentioned that he had a public tree, so I just have his username and nickname, was wondering if I could search with that. I will try what you said. |
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PricklyHolly | Report | 16 Jul 2011 15:22 |
If you search for the person that you both have a connection with........and then look at the public trees available for that might be able to find his tree that way. |
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