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Janette | Report | 14 Jul 2011 19:11 |
It is so frustrating when people don't reply when you can see a direct link to your tree. How do you know if they are still a Genes Reunited member? It does puzzle me. |
Kense | Report | 14 Jul 2011 19:36 |
It is a common problem that has been discussed a lot recently. |
Edward | Report | 14 Jul 2011 23:33 |
Janette, there is no way that you or I can know if someone is still a member, whether they have changed their email address, whether they are too ill to use a computer or even died, or whether they are too busy doing other things that they never check their emails or have lost interest in researching their family history ..... just a few of the reasons for this problem. |
Researching: |
Janette | Report | 15 Jul 2011 09:12 |
Yes I can see there may be many reasons and perhaps this may inspire some who have lost interest. Thanks. |
Huia | Report | 15 Jul 2011 09:26 |
Janette, have they opened your message? If you go to sent messages if the envelope is still purple they havent opened it but if it is not purple then they have. Some people might read but not reply immediately as they want to check things out on their tree first, although if that is the case with me I usually send a reply saying that I will get back to them later, but not everybody does that. |
Researching: |
Janette | Report | 15 Jul 2011 14:59 |
Thanks for the replies, and most are unopened but will wait and see. |