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Ancestry Trees for future reference.

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lesleymargaret Report 13 Jul 2011 18:42

Hi everyone,

Is there anyway you can save the name of the contributor or tree for later, I DO NOT mean save the whole tree, but so I can find it to refer to again. I sent a message and have had a nice reply with some information and referring me again to her tree - and I cannot find it!! the name in question is popular but not a lot are a match.

I suppose I mean like The Shoebox which is very useful.




George_of_Westbury Report 13 Jul 2011 19:44

Not quite sure what you mean, so i can only offer this if you are looking for a previous contact

Have you exchanged messages through the Ancestry connect service? if so you should be able to see the tree name within the messages you have exchanged.

Just look in the message box.



lesleymargaret Report 13 Jul 2011 20:30

Hi George of Westbury,

yes I have now looked at the message again and found the tree mentioned, what I was also meaning is when I have found an ancestor on a public tree but do not want to directly add it to mine if I could save the name of the Tree and then go directly to it on a different occasion.

Sorry don't know how to make it more clear.




Carol Report 13 Jul 2011 23:12

Save it to favorites


mgnv Report 14 Jul 2011 18:24

Lets say I've opened a Notepad document to save the URL in
(Start button - All programs - Accessories - Notepad)
NB Notepad is a primitive word processor.

If I go to say, John Smith, in someone (Jane and William's) tree, I might note a few details in a Notepad file, like:

Jane and Williams Ancestry (Owner: JaneS36)
John Smith
Christening 3 Dec 1848 Tanfield, Co Durham, England
William Smith & Elizabeth Robson 30 Nov 1839 Tanfield, Co Durham, England

I get the URL from my browswer's address bar.
Most times, just clicking my cursor in the addy bar high-lights the URl.
I then type ctrl c (hold the ctrl key down and type the letter c) to copy it to the hidden clipboard,
then click my cursor in the target location in my Notepad document, and type ctrl v to paste it there.

I'ld then save the file as, say, AncestryTree-Smith.txt