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Nick Report 13 Jul 2011 00:15

I apologize,if this has been asked before.Has anyone ever wrote contacted,a living person,especially in small villages,who has the same name as your ancestor and asked if there is a connection.



grannyfranny Report 13 Jul 2011 13:18

When I first started searching, about 25 years ago, I went through the phone books and rang up people with one of my more unusual names. Found some 'cousins' plus another large family not related, but whose ancestors had lived in the same small town as mine for about 100 years.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 Jul 2011 14:01

I have also contacted people with a surname of interest in a particular area, with great results. This was several years ago by post and enclosing a S.A.E..
One reply was from a second cousin, whose wife was also working on the family tree and he also suggested that I contacted his sister ( by then Mrs Smith, so I'd never have found her).
She was the keeper of all the old family photos and we later visited and were able to look though and identify our respective grandfathers at a young age and we were given a copy of a photo of THEIR father with his sons..... An unexpected bonus, as I had no idea what he looked like.

Go for it, I'd say.
