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Here is one about my tree lay out ?

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Joy Report 12 Jul 2011 13:53

Rob, try a free one first such as the Mormons' PAF.


Robin7 Report 12 Jul 2011 13:39

Thanks InspectorGreenPen i only have tree's on GR or Ancestry and as you say they dont seem to link up.

I will have to invest in a tree programme.



InspectorGreenPen Report 12 Jul 2011 12:16

Unlike commercial software such as FTM which support multiple relationships, the GR tree, being much simpler in its data design, does not.

For example, it is not possible to link up someone who appears twice in your tree, for example, brothers and sisters who married each other, or cousins who got married in your tree. You will have to enter that person twice.

It is a good idea to put a memo in the notes to cross reference the two entries.


Robin7 Report 12 Jul 2011 10:43

Thanks Detective

no they had no children it was late in life when they married they had both been married before but both spouses had passed away.

Thank you again for the tips



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Jul 2011 10:39

That does sound about right - you could always add (1) and (2) after his name if the system hasn't already done so to help you to differentiate. And add a note in both note boxes about the relationships.

Just make sure you only stick to the mum's uncle side to add Ancestors or else you will get in a terrible mess!

If he had children with your Dad's mum, then they should go on that relationship...........don't go adding Dad's mum to the Uncle/Aunt line :-D


Robin7 Report 12 Jul 2011 10:33

I have a person and he goes on my tree twice is this right ?

He was my mums uncle but he then remarried and the lady he married was my dads mum :-S still with me on this one ? :-D

now as i said his ended up on my tree twice onces as my mums uncle but then as my dads step father :-S
