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FTM 2009. Media advice please.

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~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 11 Jul 2011 11:46

Hi Chris in Sussex & nameslessone

Many thanks for your comments and tip Chis.

I have now managed to delete an entire image. But it doens't look possible to just remove it without deleting it entirely. But at least I have learned that now.

Thanks again it's been a real help.

Regards, Lou


nameslessone Report 11 Jul 2011 09:46

I used to be able to copy & paste a picture captured off the internet in 2009 but can't do it it 2010. I can't even c & p a docment I've saved anymore.
Advice please Chris.

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 10 Jul 2011 16:54

Had another thought..

Is there somewhere that lists what media you have and where a particular media item is attached? If so you may be able to unlink from there. That's another option I have in 2010.


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 10 Jul 2011 16:50


Can you right click on the media image? If I do that in the 2010 version it gives me the option to unlink the image.

Other than that I am afraid I have no idea as I have never used 2009.


~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 10 Jul 2011 14:52

I have imputed a media image into the wrong family. Does anyone know how I can remove it from that family but still retain it to import into the correct family?

I've searched the help menu but it just gives info on how to completely delete the image. I've clicked on the image and tried the delete button too but the only option is to delete that person - which isn't what I want.

Too many ancestors naming each child after their siblings doens't help as it gets all the more confusing when many of them are born around the same time. And to boot with a name like Jones only adds to the confusion. So will really appreciate the help.

Any help or advice will be very much apprecaited.

Regards, Lou