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Family tree problems

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InspectorGreenPen Report 9 Jul 2011 12:18

Yes it does - in fact the latest version can import several 'native' files such as old FTM versions, PAF, Legacy, Master Genealogist etc in addition to standard gedcom files.


Kense Report 9 Jul 2011 10:30

Doesn't FTM have he ability to import files from earlier versions without the need to generate a GEDCOM? I know Roots Magic can and it can also import files created by FTM and PAF though I haven't tried that.



InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Jul 2011 13:34


I received your PM but will put the details on here as it may be that other members are interested too. If you select reply then you can post additional messages on this same thread.

"I have a Rootsweb disc[recently obtained] but no further software.
Does all the new software allow me format preferences.
Also can i join the two trees together to make one?
Await your comments."

In order to merge your trees you will first need to install a tree program. Have a look at this site to see what is avaialbe and the costs.

Family Tree Maker (FTM) is probably the most popular and one of the most versatile. Cost for the sotware alone is under £20. In addition to allowing you to customise and select different screen options there is an extensive livrary of customisable reports and charts which will allow you to present your tree in various formats.

If cost is a problem then there is a free package called Personal Ancestral File (PAF) which can be obrained from the Family search site

Once you have suitable software installed you can then import and merge data from other trees. This is usually done using a file format called gecom. Your rootweb file could well be in this format. Gedcom files have the file extension .ged.

Your old FTM program should have an option to export its data in this format too.


InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Jul 2011 11:16

You should be able to export your trees in gedcom form and then re-load and merge back into any proprietary family tree program.

Can you advise what software you have access to? You mention an early version of FTM. Do you have a later version as well?


Michael Report 8 Jul 2011 11:05

Hi there,
I would like some advice with regards to downloading a FT which is laid out on a 1997 version of FTM.This is in a landscape format with black on orange layout.
There are two trees involved[70 names] and nearly 700 names on the other one.On screen it looks perfect but it will not print owing to font size[9 sheets of A4].All i get if i try is very narrow layout which is too small to read.
Can anyone advise me as to solve this problem as i do not want to have to start from scratch and re enter all the names again.
Is it possible to transfer these trees with a similar layout to a new version with unlimited capacity and printing facilities.
Await comments.